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Music Is Scary Sometimes.



I think it's weirder when you realize that a band you enjoy started when you were a kid, than when you weren't even born. Better sense of perspective, I guess. Like Radiohead, for instance, have been around (well, the band started actually got together in 1988, TWENTY YEARS AGO) in the music biz since 1993. I was one. One. One! Isn't that mind-boggling to consider?! I mean, I enjoy their music, but they've been around longer than I've had the ability to appreciate music, and they're still insanely popular, considered one of the most innovative bands out there (for one, they shot an entire music video with LAZORS, NOT CAMERAS, and they've become one of the first bands to embrace digital distribution, as I've heard, anyway).


Well, this isn't an entry for glorification of Radiohead (some of you wouldn't like that, I know for a fact), but in fact displaying my discomfort at this end of the spectrum of music. There's the new stuff that most youngsters listen to, the stuff your parents listened to, and probably still listen to, and a third type that can apply to both parents and kids if any band that's used as an example is still active after -blank- amount of years, and have been listened to by both groups. Of course, there are kids who enjoy the oldies... and I'm not even sure I will be able to keep up with the music of today in my later years. Would Paul McCartney fall under this third group? I mean, he isn't technically The Beatles, but he came out with that one thing... hm....


And of course there's the lesser-known fourth group of people who don't listen to any type of music because music has been forbidden as it is too different for some people and it inspires dangerous thoughts and instead we are all made to sit down at a table with our TV-dinners and watch a black-and-white movie of a guy telling us how wonderful life is without actually transmitting facts but instead just reassuring words and quotes and he enters and exits like Mister Rogers except he's in a gigantic open office-space and he's not smiling and there's a big video of his head on a ridiculously huge screen above his real self and they recite the Declaration of Independence every commercial break (which is just reminding us to watch our show with a bit of hypnotism instilled and subliminal messages and stuff reminding us to take our pills which both give us our necessary daily vitamins but also erase memories of our early childhood and ensure that we won't live long either and that if we hear sirens to calmly put on our special suits (one size fits all as all people are specially made to fit a specific size in order to reduce any and all need for "shopping" (a concept forgotten long ago as it became both too dangerous to venture outside and normal clothes were no longer made) and proceed to the mines) and then we sleep. And then it starts over again.


Anyway, yeah, I think it's weirder when you realize that the band you like started when you were really young, than when the band started before you were born.


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I hate New Years Resolutions... but I think I'll engage in it just this one time.


In 2009, I will ONLY listen to music from 2009.


Of course, that might blow. I'd miss a whole year of Dr.Cosmo's "Nocturnal Transmissions" on WPRB Princeton. Hmm...

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