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A Most Unusual Encounter - Epilogue



I got some surprise mail today, forwarded from my previous address (did I mention I moved recently?) in a generic Posti forwarding envelope. Inside was an A6-sized envelope with a German postmark. The flap bore the following legend in a schoolgirl-like hand:


Geram [sic] scouts (Nixe, Theresa, Tweety, Minnie, Weda, Quassel)

This, of course, harks back to my three-part series, "A Most Unusual Encounter," way back in July. Anyway, here's the contents of the letter:



There's not much in it to comment on, except for the thing that most caught my eye -- (an alternative spelling of) the word Cassiopaea.


I'm taking it as a cosmic poke. Given the nature of what Cassiopaea refers to for me, I won't elaborate any further. Sorry. I guess my ego enjoys playing these mind games with you folks. But I'll give you a hint, anyway, just to be extra annoying: Laura. And "chivalry." :sly: . . . :lol: Gosh, don't take me that seriously. Really. It's nothing.


(I'm annoying myself already.)


<o> <o>


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