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A Very Good Question.

Boogie Monsta


What's the point of high school/middle school/before college relationships? All that comes of it is heartbreak when you end up at different colleges or breaking up. 'specially with the random like-not-like changes that come with adolescence (I'm living proof of that). Plus, you may well end up getting someone pregnant, and make life harder for both of you. If you need someone to talk to/tell things/make you feel better, friends can do that just as well. Girls are better at it, but you can have girl_friends, without having to be 'serious' or 'steady' or whatever it's called now. And I'm not scorning things just because I don't have Angel, I'd still love to have her as a gf, but that would be long-lasting (if it was up to my side only). I'm talking about stuff normal high-schoolers do. Like Drake from Drake and Josh. What good comes of that?


This is obviously from a guy's point of view, if you're a girl I'd love to hear your opinion.


Tell me your reasons, too, guys. I'm not ranting, I'm open to being proven wrong.


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I endorse high school relationships.


I believe learning the difference between love and lust are necessary. I believe learning exactly what it means to love and TRUST someone is necessary.


They don't have classes in college for that.


And the whole pregnant thing? That's discussion that shouldn't go on around BZP, lest we can talk about that through other forms of communication.



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The point is twofold.


One: Most people actually believe that they will forever be together. This rarely happens, but still.


Two: It's preparation, it's training, it's diversification. You cannot expect your first ever relationship to be perfect in every way, you need to learn how to interact with someone on that level. It's 'training' for that.


But also, as much as I am a firm believer in true love, it's also very boring to think of the Spiderman movie relationship...Y'know, crush on the same girl since you're five, all through highschool, date, and marry.


Wow. So much diversity. Not.


Half the fun is dating someone who you'd never thought of, and realizing that maybe you don't know your tastes as well as you thought. That's what happened to me.

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