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*is Feeling Great*

Takua the Wanderer


I've done my speech, and finished a math test. Probably didn't do so well, though. Still, knowing that it's all done, for better or worse, feels great (in case you didn't understand the title :P).

My speech was pretty well recieved, though, despite having a dumb blond joke in it. Actually, probably because of it. :blink:


I was going to say something else, but I have no idea what. I think it was something about Batman. :???:


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I've done my speech, and finished a math test. Probably didn't do so well, though. Still, knowing that it's all done, for better or worse, feels great (in case you didn't understand the title :P).

My speech was pretty well recieved, though, despite having a dumb blond joke in it. Actually, probably because of it. :blink:


I was going to say something else, but I have no idea what. I think it was something about Batman.


I've got to the point where speaking (publicly) is not very nerve-racking for me, at least when I'm prepared. But I do, however, understand the satisfaction of having it off your chest. :D

Wow, that just made me laugh. :lol: What was your speech about?





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Both. And I got Brisingir. :D


*stabs you with a jagged, bloody knife*


*...through the heart*


Feeling worse yet?

Perfectly fine, thanks for asking. Undead, remember? :evilgrin:


Brakelebastaa feed me.


I've got to the point where speaking (publicly) is not very nerve-racking for me, at least when I'm prepared. But I do, however, understand the satisfaction of having it off your chest.

Wow, that just made me laugh. What was your speech about?

The point is, I'm rarely prepared enough. :annoyed:

War in Iraq. Probably shouldn't say more. :lol:

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Both. And I got Brisingir. :D


*stabs you with a jagged, bloody knife*


*...through the heart*


Feeling worse yet?

Perfectly fine, thanks for asking. Undead, remember? :evilgrin:


Brakelebastaa feed me.


I've got to the point where speaking (publicly) is not very nerve-racking for me, at least when I'm prepared. But I do, however, understand the satisfaction of having it off your chest.

Wow, that just made me laugh. What was your speech about?

The point is, I'm rarely prepared enough. :annoyed:

War in Iraq. Probably shouldn't say more. :lol:


Oh. Well it does help if you're prepared. :P But I shouldn't be talking: I didn't start writing my speech until three days before I had to give it. :rolleyes:

OK. :lol:



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The number of times you died is way too low.

I'm gonna fix that for ya. :sly:


*opens a portal, sucking in all rocks within 5 miles of said portal*

*Closes portal*

*dropkicks takua the wanderer in face*

*opens up portal and causes all rocks that I sucked up before to go flying at takua the wanderer at 2000 MPH, crushing him*

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