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Bs01 Is Down Again.



Don't ask why. I'll give you an answer right here: We don't know yet.


It was a calm day, everything seemed calm, that is. BZP wasn't being slow or anything. But the next thing I knew, BS01 was down.


But, I've been used to having BS01 down (hence the past two months) so yea. Everyday, I get on MSN and ask Swert if he heard any word of what happened yet. Nein.


I have looked through some forums, and have noticed that many people miss it/where using it just when it went off/want it back/[insert your feelings and yearning for BS01 here].


We're planning and formulating ideas -- even without any idea what went wrong.


So don't worry, BS01 will be back up one way or another. Perhaps one, perhaps another. Anyway, I leave you with one word of advice that is like... the pivotal thing of this whole chaos that BS01 has been in. This even includes things you guys have no idea about :P




"Communications are key"





Recommended Comments

Don't worry guys, I am already contacting with Binky with a load of suspicious clues which may cause the problem. Just be patience, and have some ice cream :P


~ Bioran


Ut: The fact that you sent Binky a PM doesn't calm my nerves. If anything, it made me more jittery. :P Anyhow, you only gave him a bunch of ideas for anything that seemed unorhtodox, which is a ton-load when you're talking about our wiki :P

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