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*is getting sick of this not-sleeping thing*


... Literally.




I dun recommend lack of sleep for 5 nights straight. Kinda fries ya brain. And everythin' else that your brain works.


Which is... uh... everythin'. I guess.


*cuddles with hyenas*


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I've gone even longer than that, but things got dangerous.

I found it most...interesting... that by day 6, I'd see out of the corner of my vision these dark forms that I have seen head-on (with witnesses!) at other points in my life.

Conclusion? The certain elements of the "paranormal" are hidden only by one's perception, like the tuning of a radio.


The worst sleep deprivation (due to a week-long anticipation of an anime convention) landed me driving down a New Jersey highway, bopping in and out of consciousness while dark forms darted out from the sides of the road... only for me to find myself PARKED in the middle of the road a mile from my house in Pennsylvania, the sun coming over the horizon hitting my eyelids.


I should do another experiment again. It's been years.

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Guh, I know how you feel...


Right up until just a few days ago, I had this terrible case of insomnia that lasted for nearly three months. My "days" were cycles of two days, where I'd wake up in the afternoon of one, and go to bed the night of the next. Not to mention I've been working at this "show" for this "improvement club" at a particular historical site, which has completely worn me out.


Look, it'll get better. I've been through just about the same thing, just about. What I recommend you do is just go to bed, and stop thinking altogether- don't think about not thinking, just close your eyes and don't concentrate on anything. That's what helped me.


Another thing that kinda helped me was staying off the computer. I'd definitely suggest you try this over everything else, as all the computer helps do is put random thoughts into your mind. Besides, one of the best things you can do to think more clearly later on, ironically, is not thinking very much for some period and let your brain rest a bit... Also, not getting all hyper helps, though I dunno if that's ever a problem you experience.



Just don't fret, ma'am. Things are bound to get better if you let them. I know.






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