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I Am Iron Man

Boogie Monsta


I'm pretty sure this'n outdoes all others as the awesomest ever. It even had a narrator for the end.


Through this whole thing, I've got an Iron Man suit on, that I can poof on and off at will. I usually wear it, tho. So, first I remember, I'm at this space station, which is hovering permanently over a building that looks like my church. Strange thing, tho, it only took one normal-sized flight of steps from that building to get to the space station.. Anyway there were a ton of people I know there, only one you'd know of is Angel (duh). There were two ladies in charge of overseeing the ground part, don't remember who they were. So, strange things start happening on the space station, and I fly over to tell them, but they don't pay any attention. So I go to sleep on my bed in the space station, and this big rat-zergling-furry-thing comes out from under my bed. He squeaks at me to follow, which I do. He leads me through this elaborate maze of sewer lines and air conditioning ducts, littered with enemies about the style of the last dream. They're easily put down with all manner of Iron Man weapons. So anyway I get to this huge reactor, like down in the core of the earth, with a generic mad scientist there, who goes into the obligatory speech about his plan. I don't remember it all, but I remember flying around him, (he had some kind of invisible mech suit) and shooting him with repulsors and such. I finally beat him, and the reactor starts exploding, and me and the rat escape. So I go back to the station-anchor-building and am hailed as a hero, which is nice. So I got bored and started playing a video game, where I flew around as (guess who?) Iron Man and built buildings, School Tycoon-style. So after that, the building and space station start catching on fire, I guess from the explosions of the reactor. So I fly off into the sky to this command center, which apparently has been running the space station this whole time. I tell them about the fires, and they magically put them out with a button. So I fly back, am hailed as a hero again, and walk back up the hall towards my room in the space station. I saw some people who were at my church's Halloween party in each room, (they're hotel-style ones), and finally in one I see Angel, laying on her bed watching TV. So I come in, and talk to her, and we go downstairs, I pick her up, and we fly off into the night, Danny-Phantom-Phantom-Planet-ending-style. The narrator comes in, here, and starts telling the audience what happens to all of the other people. Don't remember a speck of that. I really wasn't paying attention, flying off with Angel. Anyways, credits started rolling after that, and Mom came in and woke me up.


Awesome, no? Heh, this one had everything my life story needs. Iron Man suit, Angel, dark places, and heroism. Anyways, good luck, Tom.

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Didn't read it all, but schweet. :P


I'm back in life, yay! I finally found an awesome avatar and banner, plus my Blog's almost fully set up. Good to be back and running, dude.


btw, Swarm's dead. >>

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