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Kopaka's Ice Engineering


There's a saying in Louisiana that people in New Orleans vote early & vote often.

I haven't learned anything about this "voting often", but I did vote early this time around.



In the off chance that it would influence anyone's vote (which it SHOULDN'T: You were the one paying attention the last 10 months. You were the one weighing everything you heard said by and about the candidates. You formed your own opinion on this landmark election season.), From the outskirts of Chocolate City endorses the following candidates and positions for the November 4 election.


2008 Louisiana Electoral College

  • Dianne Christopher
  • Roger F. Villere, Jr.
  • Lynn E. Skidmore
  • Joe Lavigne
  • Billy Nungesser
  • Alan Seabaugh
  • Karen Haymon
  • Charles Davis
  • Charlie Buckels


    pledged to vote for John McCain of Arizona and Sarah Palin of Alaska

United States Senate
  • John Kennedy, (R)
Landrieu sloughed off my friends at Presidential Classroom 12 years ago...if she doesn't have time for my friends, I don't have time for her.


United States Representative, First Congressional District of Louisiana

  • Steven Scalise (R)
Louisiana State Senate, District Nine
  • Conrad Appel (R)
Polly Thomas (R) lost my vote when she wouldn't quit badgering my fiancée in the primary.


Associate Justice of the Louisiana Supreme Court, First Supreme Court District

  • Greg Guidry (R)
...as if I have any idea who either of these people are....


Louisiana Constitutional Amendment #1

Term Limits for Members of State Boards & Commissions.

  • FOR
Louisiana Constitutional Amendment #2

Time Limits for Calling Special Sessions

Louisiana Constitutional Amendment #3

Temporary Successors for Legislators Ordered to Active Military Duty

My opinion would be different if it were the legislator himself/herself appointing the successor, instead of the Legislature itself.


Louisiana Constitutional Amendment #4

State Severance Taxes to Parishes

  • FOR
Louisiana Constitutional Amendment #5

Transfer of Special Property Tax Assessment Level

...even though it would likely be in my best interest in the future.


Louisiana Constitutional Amendment #6

Re-Sale of Certain Expropriated Property

  • FOR
Louisiana Constitutional Amendment #7

Investment of Non-Pension Benefit Trusts

  • FOR
...because now is the time to get into the market


Jefferson Parish Proposition

Special Sales Tax Re-apportionment

...because the Sewer department doesn't need its revenue further carved.



And a couple of ones that I have a strong opinion, and would vote if given a vote.


United States Representative, Second Congressional District of Louisiana

  • Helena Moreno (D)
Seriously. It's time to fire Bill Jefferson.


California Statewide Proposition

Number Eight

  • YES
...not because some first graders were taken out of school for a wedding, but because those that took them out saw fit to put "NO on 8" pins on the kids' lapels. A 6-year-old should not be used as campaign material.






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OMG, this one random blog entry has totally changed my political opinion. :bigeek:


Okay, not really, but it's always cool to see who supports who, and not just hear about the stereotypical party voters.


Wow, Washington only had three Amendments... you must've had to fill in alot of bubbles.



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I thought that the "Vote early, vote often" thing was from Chicago. Y'know, vote more than once. Lotsa times. For the mob. Or against it, since the mob's gonna try to vote more times than you.


Anyway, in my district there are like, five hundred million judges up for election this year. Seriously. A million of them. Partly because one of them got kicked off because she was totally insane and made a ton of false allegations against one of the other judges, and then about seven people come in to take her place. Plus all of the other ones that are up for election all at the same time. It's crazy man. Crazy.

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