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So, How's The Cow?



Good, isn't it? Yeah. That's what I thought.


Not really sure how the beginning sentence was going, but I'll work with it into some rant about humor. Cows are pretty cool creatures, except for the disgusting qualities of the udder, which may be the worst animal extremity ever. Sure, there's some cool ones, like giraffe's necks, horse tails, etcetera, but the udder's just udderly ugly. Ha ha ha. I made a lame pun. I'm funny now, right?


Ironically on BZP, the least funniest posts in the world can be made in Comedies and Comics. I'm not one to praise people for spamming, but king at the sok factoree had the funniest comedy. If he had made it 300 words, it would've been better than half of the stuff in there. And what I'm talking about, of course, is


Made me laugh more than this, at least.

Tahu: :o KOPOKA WAT DID U DO I'M GOING TO EAT YOU :burnmad: :burnmad: :burnmad:


As for the comic side of things, I wish more comickers would use their own sprites, or at least put some work into art. Yes, I know, you're all accusing me of "shouldn't be talking", but I've been making my own backgrounds for a while, and I've worked on making RZ's base sprite look a whole lot better, not to mention the custom masks for some of the characters. This is why hand-drawn comics are so good - even if the humor level isn't so hot, the drawings are pretty darn cool. Kanta's and Spirit's entries in AC12b should blow the rest of the competition away, in my opinion. I'd love to see more hard work like this.


The main thing in both of these is creativity, which also severly lacks sometimes. Abusing the same old jokes over and over again doesn't cut it. You can use guest stars creatively, but you have to make your own characters, your own personalities. Someone memorable that people will love. And if you're going to be random, for god's sake be originally random. A sprite of Spitty and a llama joke doth not a comic make.


I think I did a pretty okay job of moving from cows to comics, ey?


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The cows good.



Someone memorable that people will love. And if you're going to be random, for god's sake be originally random.

That would have to be Takomo. I mean he's stupid. And funny! Few people can make a stupid person continually funny.

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A sprite of Spitty and a llama joke doth not a comic make.




Well, I see what you mean about people making their own sprites, but some people are too lazy *coughcough* :P

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For comics, you have to remember that bot everyone has artistic skill. Jokes are harder to do than artwork; writer's block proves this. ;)


And to keep this from making sense...



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Yeah, if people don't have the artistic skill to make quality comics, then literary options are better. That's what I did for a while when I was terrible at graphics. :P

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I wrote the book on how to be properly random. Or rather the entry. No seriously, I did...


Anyway, I'm rather impressed with this entry.

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I hear you man. Though like I said in Spork's blog, I don't visit those forums ever/much. I link strait to PDACB, for speed mostly, but I know that there's not much to post with in that forum.


On another note, I myself made something like this but was too shy to post. It'd be better as a blog entry like so. I saved it on my computer. I'd note that all humor must be original, never used before. I've seen some rookies post something that's almost a duplicate of another good author's work, thinking they'll get the same results, but nill.


I do think PDACB is different (along with some others, LTSL included Spork :P ), T-E's done a great job at keeping the quality very high. Within the official authors' comics of course.


~ :kakamanu: ~

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