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Explanation And Awesome American Cartoon Quote #3



OK, sorry I wasn't here yesterday, especially since I've been getting more active in the RPG forum recently after a long lull in posting. I was over at a friend's house, played SSBB for the first time (have to get that game at some point), and came back pretty late. Plus I have a cold that is making the contents of my nose outweigh the rest of my body.


So, today is Election Day in the United States of America. I won't bring politics into this innocent little site of ours, but I live in the state of New York, so you can probably guess who I'm supporting.


And, to make up for absence, here's a quote from my favorite new Western cartoon of this year, Spectacular Spider-Man:


Green Goblin: "You know the old saying - if you can't join 'em, beat 'em!" *throws pumpkin-boomerang thingies at Spidey*

Spider-Man: *dodging* "Took the words right out my mouth. Is that a felony?"

Green Goblin: "I certainly hope so. This goblin wouldn't be caught dead committing a misdemeanor!"

Spider-Man: "Ooh, nice banter." *dodges bombs* "Aim still needs work."

Green Goblin: "Practice makes perfect!" *throws more bombs*

Spider-Man: *dodges again* "Keep telling yourself that!"


The fact that I couldn't decide which of those six lines was better is a testament to the show's awesomeness.


Recommended Comments

The videos on that website, are highly political, and also inappropriate for younger viewers on BZP.


That said...


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