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Election Results

Wrinkledlion X


Well, looks like Obama won. I supported McCain, but good for him anyways. I think either would be a step up from Bush.


I'm nonpartisan myself, and I feel a bit ashamed to have been aligned with the people in the crowd at McCain's concession speech. He had a very professional and gracious speech and he showed that he cared for America overall more than himself, and that was pretty nice. ...And then all the stupid people in the crowd start booing at Obama's name. A bit of an embarrassment, really. I think he and I feel the same about that.


Also, the music at the end of his speech was pretty epic. They should play that at the end of every concession speech. (They might already- I'll admit my memory of last election is a bit foggy.)


Anyways, I'll go over all my thoughts on the election tomorrow.


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In before Shine.


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There will be NO exceptions here. Yes, even new president discussions are forbidden, unless there is a News Article and/or Official Topic about it. Thanks being understanding about this rule.



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Well after Shine did, I've decided to happily steal the spotlight. Not like I can get anything out of it aside from enjoyment.


EDITED: Aww... it was lifted.



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Well after Shine did, I've decided to happily steal the spotlight. Not like I can get anything out of it aside from enjoyment.



It's been determined that these will stay open.


I have to say that although I did not support/vote McCain, I have a lot of respect for him and how he conducted himself in that speech. It's unfortunate the crowd reacted the way he did, but I thought he dealt with them very appropriately.

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