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The Election Results



*All I did was change the title so that maybe somebody would read this, as the other blogs all have election entries. What I really want to do...


...is tell you all about my first Maryland Renaissance Festival experience in over 10 years. It was fun, but I think I want to take one of my friends who is a usual. She'll know exactly what to do and check out instead of wandering around. This could be a whole blog entry, but it was so long ago.


...speaking of so long ago, I never fully told you that I enjoyed my Philmont backpacking Boy Scout experience...back in the summer of 2007! Great personal experience, even if the rest of my crew wasn't so bad. I could go on and on, my dad made a book about our experience, but alas, this is old news too.


...I could tell you about the Sledge-o-Matic skit from summer camp 2006, like I promised yet never blogged about. Sorry. (And yes, my memory is that good, even if you forgot and are not worrying about it.) Picture a 20 pound log hammer (foot in diameter) smashing things like a cabbage covered in slaw dressing, or a watermelon getting cheers and woots even before I fully reveal it for smashing. I could tell you why I did this, but that'd take a blog entry, y'see?


What's also annoying is the things I have to do and want to do. My homework aside (especially my history paper), I have to do some stuff with my computer, including adding some music, fixing my Mozilla Thunderbird email so I can use that instead of webmail, bookmarking my favorite websites using the list I took from my home's computer, downloading LDraw and making it work, and I really want to build some Lego (especially dabbling in some Vic Vipers for NoVVember), but I don't have time. I also need to plan out my schedule for next semester.


Ah, well. Nekocon is this weekend! I'm cosplaying as Black Cat/Train Heartnet on Saturday. (I was unable to carve a gun yet, so I'll have to settle for my fragile Lego one.) It should be cool. It looks like they have a good number of panels I want to go to (I don't go to many, but this looks pretty good), including a panel by the 501st Legion. (I really really want a Jedi costume. Maybe they can give me some tips.)


Did I mention that November is National Novel Month or something like that. My friend has a goal of completing a 50000 word story this month, like last year. I'd join him, but 1) one idea I have is underdeveloped, 2) the other idea is my Bionicle fan-fic (or Epics here on BZP), and 3) I just don't have time. So while he tries to get 12000 words a week, I think I'll settle for figuring out names for my Toa and then perhaps a chapter a week.




Quote of the Day: Sign of Spring: Keep off the grass.

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