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Oh Noes!



I inked and colored the Nuparu Inika for my AC12 entry. So far so good.


Then I decided I should ink and color the rest of it. So I start with the background, which I TOTALLY screwed up because I was in a rush. But that can be fixed, right?


Well, then I started inking and coloring the Jack Bauer. Now when I first sketched the jack, it was... decent. But I decided the eyes were too big, so I started erasing and re-drawing them bajillions of times until the paper tore. Then I inked it and messed up the hair and now it looks horrible.


Plus, I'm not that good with colored pencils. Give me some professional markers, sure, and I'll made a decent... thingie, but I'm not good with applying detail through colored pencils.


So in the end I decided to scrap it. Two hours 'till the deadline, I'm not gonna bother. Besides, I entered AC12b already with a pretty spiffy "Hau"-To from Tahu.


And that's my past twelve hours.


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