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O H M Y G O S H =o

Boogie Monsta



K, got that out of my system.


And btw Angel is coming to my house tomorrow for dinner.




Kindly keep your thoughts of how pathetic I am to yourself and join me in hoping fervently everything goes well. 'Cept Tom, you can just keep not-caring. Hopefully it'll go well and break the ice for other places also, such as church. I'll keep my thoughts caged for now.


Obama won.. :(


Got Rockoh today. Awesomest zamor launcher incarnation to date. There's a lever where Pohatu's motorcycle accelerator would be, that links to something that pushes on the Zamor launcher. There's 2 stacked Inika zamor cages, with a little bar so they don't fall out, it holds 6.


So that's life. Get your own.


Freezing, rests his head on a pillow made of concrete,

Feeling, maybe he'll see a little better Saturdays-a.


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