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Studying The...



Places you used to live, and now wish you lived there still is soooo sad.


And then your teacher's all like "none of you have ever been to ___." but I have ;(


Currently studying Germany. Frankfurt, Manheim, Stuttgart, Munich, Salzburg, Heidelberg. Those are a few of the cities that I remember so well. lol. Manheim had a lot of stores ;P Frankfurt was where my little brother was rushed off to the hospital when he was first born (he couldn't breath, he had pneumonia at birth, just like I did.) Stuttgart was where my Dad started another Church so that he pastored 2 churches on Sunday. The church is still there, growing.


I lived in Heidelberg. Beautiful place. Went to the castle at least once a month.


and now i live in the U.S...-cry-




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Aww Sunneh... you gonna make me cry. D:




No, I'm not buying you plane tickets to Frankfurt. I wouldn't be able to send them to you soon if I could. XD [/inside joke]



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I'm not fluent in German. But I understand everything you said xD It's little things like that I know. haha that's cool about your mother. ;P



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