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Last Friday was a pretty terrible day. I watched the Saturday evening news, and the first ten minutes reported about five deaths that had occurred on Friday. One of them was a friend of mine who had died in a car accident. It’s really sad, because she was such a great person. And it kind of reminds me a lot about car accidents. When people drive irresponsibly or just aren’t as cautious as they should be, then things can happen. I’ve heard stories of how a fatality from a car accident effected a whole community. Now it’s my turn to mourn.


So for all of you who can driver or are learning to drive… remember, drive safely.





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Sorry to hear about that. :( I don't drive yet, but when I do, I plan to take as much care as possible while navigating the roads. I know bad things can happen all too easily.



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Was alcohol involved in any of the deaths, xccj?



Not at all. She backed out of a driveway into a street with a blind corner. She "failed to yield to oncoming traffic" as the newspapers say.


It was just being at the wrong place at the wrong time.



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That's really horrible xccj. I, among others, feel your loss and hope that everything goes back to normal for you. I've lost someone in a car accident too and it is indeed a painful experience. Best wishes.
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