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Greg Farshtey

Bitter Cold


That guy is seriously awesome.


Items of special interest are color coded. =)


Dear Sir,


In light of the massive revelations that have occurred recently, I am afraid I have a few questions about certain elements of the storyline. If you would answer the ones you can, it would help to clear up some spots and I would be quite grateful. =)


1) What is Makuta Virus?


2) Are Makuta exclusive to the Unnamed Planet?


3) Were there any continents on the Unnamed Planet before Mata Nui crashed there?


4) What is the relevance of the Sundial that Lewa picked up?


5) Was the Great Cataclysm the direct result of Mata Nui crashing?


6) Does Teridax have any relation to Mata Nui (spirit)?


7) Is Karda Nui something brought to the Unnamed Planet by Mata Nui (robot), or was it already there before He crashed?


8) If the Matoran Universe, where all the Matoran have always lived, is inside Mata Nui's body, then how can the island of Mata Nui be outside His body, as shown in the latest video on BIONICLE.com?


9) Is the Red Star where the Great Beings live?


10) None of the Great Beings, except Mata Nui, have bodies, correct?


11) Why did the Red Star transform 6 Matoran into Toa Inika?


12) Are Rahi from the Unnamed Planet, or are they from Mata Nui's body?


13) Is the reason the Blade Burrowers have the Three Virtues Map, that they are meant to direct Mata Nui on His journey?


14) Do the Great Beings collectively know that Makuta exist?


15) Bohrok were placed inside Mata Nui (robot) for what purpose?


16) Where is the Mask of Time?


17) Are all the Matoran from Mata Nui (island), Voya nui, and Mahri Nui all on Metru Nui now?


I applaud you on all that you have created, and I thank you for being of help to me in the past, and hopefully in the future as well.



1) Makuta use viruses to create things like Rahi. They also used a virus to fell Mata Nui.

2) They are unique to the Matoran universe. The planet is not considered part of that universe -- the universe is the world inside the Matoran domes

3) No

4) It helped guide Takanuva to the Codrex

5) Yes

6) Not sure what you mean by "relation," since there are no biological relationships in BIONICLE.

7) Karda Nui is part of him.

8) Because the island of Mata Nui was outside the Matoran universe too, which is why no one was ever meant to live there. The island served as a disguise for Mata Nui, it was not meant as a place for Matoran to live.

9) No

10) Mata Nui is not a Great Being, he is a Great Spirit -- completely different thing. He was built by the Great Beings, he is not one of them. And the GBs must have bodies, as we know that one made physical contact with the Mask of Life at one point.

11) Can't answer it

12) The Matoran universe

13) No.

14) Sure.

15) When Mata Nui lands on a planet for the purposes of observation, his system creates a disguise for his face by creating a rocky surface and then growing plants that look like the local flora. When it is time for him to leave, the Bohrok clean all that plant life off and weaken the surface so it can be cracked open when Mata Nui rises.

16) With Vakama

17) Yes


I had forgotten that the Matoran were from Metru Nui, not Mata Nui. Also, why would the GBs have intentionally put Makuta into MN? It must have been a mistake..?


Anyway, I'm going to go post this into the OGD. =)


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