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Well, it's been a pretty busy week, and I haven't had any time to write up an entry till now. Actually, that's not entirely true. On Tuesday or Wednesday I had a whole long entry written up and ready to post, but then my internet froze and the computer shut off of its own accord.


So, first order of business... I had a lot of homework this week. Not like that's really unpredictable or anything though, seeing as the same thing happens every week. Sigh... Wait, there was one somewhat different homework assignment though. For English, we had to go online and find a poem that interests us, and now we are required to bring in a piece of artwork or music that the poem makes you think of. Problem is, I have no clue what my poem makes me think of, it's rather short and kind of strange. It's called "Not Waving but Drowning" by Stevie Smith, go look it up. Perhaps I can find a painting of someone flailing, gasping for air underwater, or being attacked by sharks...


Next, I had the theme song for Jurassic Park stuck in my head all day on Wednesday. It's amazing how much of a calming effect that music can have on you, even during a two minute pop quiz in Math on a subject that you don't understand at all and you are most likely going to fail. Quite calming. Until the raptors burst through the window and my teacher had to challenge them to hand-to-hand combat.


Today I learned that others seem to think that I have a strange method of speech. Apparently I use phrases such as "so it is" "indeed", "quite", and "perhaps" a little too much, and it sometimes annoys the people around me. It has become habitual for me to try and use unique phrases that make people think that I'm just trying to talk like I'm smart, but I'm really not.




Oh. So that's why this one was a slightly different color. I forgot to check the little box that said "Post as published" when I wrote this, and just noticed today, two weeks later. No wonder no one left me a comment!

---Slaps forehead---


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