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Quantum Of Solace




Entry 72


See further down for my thoughts on the movie.


Well, it has been a while since I have down a movie review, although I have seen quite a few lately, but first, I want to talk about some other junk. Tomorrow morning, we have a cross country race, on which determines whether or not we get to continue racing. To keep going, a team must come in the top four in their race, and we are ranked third in ours. Sadly, the fastest team in the state, Loyola, is in our race as well. Our team is ranked 10th, but in our league are 3 more teams ranked better than us, making our league the fastest in the state (but that really doesn't mean anything, just a fun fact.) I really hope we do well tomorrow, it is likely we will make the top four, but we are really going to strive for second place, which is a realistic possibility.


School as been as boring as every lately, but it seems to be flying by very fast nonetheless. The last football game is going on right now, which feels like it has only been a matter of weeks since they started playing. I am obviously not there, I saw Quantum instead, besides- our team stands no chance. We are terrible, plus like five of the school's best players got kicked off this week for insufficient grades.


Sadly, a friend of mine has seemingly stopped talking to me, and another is becoming so addicted to World of Warcraft that he hangs out with me less and less every day. I don't understand why he plays it, it is and always will be nothing compared to Diablo. Oh well, maybe he'll convert when D3 comes out.


Like I mentioned, I have seen quite a few movies lately, but I'll just review a few.


Eagle Eye:

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I saw this a long time ago, so it will be hard for me to remember to well. I loved the whole idea of the movie, the methods the computer used to keep track of the people were neat, albeit unrealistic. The fact that it ended up being a computer behind the mischief was kind of lame, too.


Body Of Lies:

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I really liked this movie, despite it feeling slightly repetitious. It was very realistic, and I loved the character of the Jordanian Secret Service leader. He did a great job manipulating everything that had influence of Jordan, and the main character. The finger smashing part was awesome and gruesome at the same time. My fingers kept twitching afterwords, haha.


Max Payne:

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Weird. But good-ish. The action was neat, but the storyline was pretty lame. I don't really like movies whose basis is a nonexistent, unreal drug. *cough* Robocop's 2 and 3 *cough*. I did, however, enjoy the effects.


Quantum of Solace:

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Definitely the best of the listed movies. While it did not feel like much of a Bond movie (I've only seen a few, my cousin was always the Bond fan in my family, and I was never even able to see Casino Royale) I loved it. The gadgets, although less abundant than in the few Bond films I have seen, were awesome, and the action scenes were some of the best I have ever seen. If any of them were CGI, which I am guessing a lot were due to the incredible angles, it is impossible to tell. The opening credits alone were enough to make it a great movie. The style was really neat, reminding me of the Viva La Vida iTunes commercial. It was a psychedelic combination of stunning CGI and some live action shots of 007 in a surrealistic vector world, where the camera constantly twists and turns, creating the illusion of one gigantic kaleidoscope like world. I liked how the red-headed girl who died by being drowned in the oil was in the same position as the girl in Goldfinger, which I have only seen pictures of in Mythbusters. I do not know if it was intentional or not, but if it was, it was clever. I recommend that anyone who likes movies in general should go and see Quantum of Solace. It was a good two hours of entertainment.





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Watashi Wa, you're from MSN aren't you?




Nope. I don't even know what you're talking about, honestly.


I didn't understand QoS one bit. I thought it was awful.


Shame, because I loved Casino Royale.


I would have understood more if I had recently seen Casino Royale, but QoS was pretty much Bond getting revenge for the death of his girlfriend-like girl.

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QoS was not as good as Casino Royale in my opinion. If you like these movies though, you should see the Bourne movies. ;)


Meh. My opinions on the Bourne movies are less friendly.



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