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Blarg Bleach Anime Subs





Sure it literally means 'death god', but they're called 'Soul Reapers'.


For some reason, that just really ticks me off.


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If I think I understand what you mean to say is that the people in black and with huge swords are being called death gods.... so Ichigo is a death god. Haaaa.

death gar, destroyer of worlds

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If I think I understand what you mean to say is that the people in black and with huge swords are being called death gods.... so Ichigo is a death god. Haaaa.

death gar, destroyer of worlds

Yeah, basically.


Eh, death god sounds more controversial. Makes sense they'd take it out of the dub.



Yep. I can't even watch the dub ... it's like:


*in screechy voice* "EECHIGO WHAR ARE YOU?!?!?!?"

*in low voice* "What is it Yoozoo?!"

"Dis iz your DADDEH FOOL *highkick*"


It sucks.


The subber just wanted more attention. :P

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I don't know what side of the issue your on


I personally dislike the use of "soul reaper". Also if it was done due to PCness, I'll punch someone in the face

personal computerness?




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I don't know what side of the issue your on


I personally dislike the use of "soul reaper". Also if it was done due to PCness, I'll punch someone in the face

personal computerness?

Political correctness.


Aren't the Shinigami based on the Japanese mythical beings of the same name? So I suppose both translations are valid.


You could see if you can look up what the creators wanted as the official translation.


If I'm just repeating stuff, sorry. Don't know much about Bleach.

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I don't know what side of the issue your on


I personally dislike the use of "soul reaper". Also if it was done due to PCness, I'll punch someone in the face

personal computerness?

Political correctness.


Aren't the Shinigami based on the Japanese mythical beings of the same name? So I suppose both translations are valid.


You could see if you can look up what the creators wanted as the official translation.


If I'm just repeating stuff, sorry. Don't know much about Bleach.

Well, in the official translation of the manga, they're called 'Soul Reapers', so I kinda guessed. :P

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In some subs I've seen it is Soul Reaper, in others it's Shinigami, and in other's it's Death God.


It's wierd and confusing. I just say Soul Reaper to avoid confusion.

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I like to say Shinigami myself, but when half the people you talk to that know about Bleach have only seen the dub, you tend to use Soul Reaper more =P

lol, I just say Soul Reaper because that's what it says in the Shonen Jump translation of the manga.

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