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I'm A Nerd Too, Julia!




Inspired by #222 and 92.9 KISM, and to forestall the inevitable awkward pause alluded to in the former, I now plan to respond with "I am the walrus" or similarly trippy phrases whenever somebody asks me how I am.


Also, I hate motion-sensor-flushing toilets with a burning passion that utterly transcends reality. They will go off suddenly and without warning, almost always WITH ME ON THEM.


And since this entry's content thus far has been essentially recycled from recent IM convos, here are some quotes from those same:

Bastilluve says:

I'm seeing orange flashes on the bottom of my screen even when there are no new messages. Is this bad?

ArpyEan says:


ArpyEan says:

gremlins have infested your tubes

Sorry Arpy, quote's gotta go.- Kame :(-Arpy

ArpyEan says:

omnomnom corneas

And Your Mind Too says:

it's also written for teenage girls

Seran says:

perfect for burning*



* I love how you can imply hidden meaning in almost anything with that emote. teehee.png


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Lol, that ALWAYS happens with the school toilets. Even weirder, in the bathroom nearest my dad's classroom (He teaches there), the faucets always go off in a certain pattern when you enter.


Maybe the aliens are trying to communicate through...water-dispensing instruments?




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