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Captain's Log, 19th O' September 2006

Schizo Kaita


Ahoy, me hearties, terday be the mos' excellent day of festivity o' the year: International Talk Like A Pirate Day!


Alas, fer me the day's end draws nigh, but you young cullies across the mighty Atlantic can still savour terday's sweet taste of pirate jargon on yer scurvy lips!


Now fill yer lights with fine ocean air, and join us in a shanty!


Come all ye bold heroes, give an ear to me song,

We’ll sing in the praise of good brandy & rum,

It's a clear crystal fountain near Ireland doth roll,

Bring me the punch ladle, I'll fathom the bowl.


From France we do get brandy, from Jamaica comes rum,

Sweet oranges & apples from Portugal come,

But stout, beer & cider are Ireland's control,

Bring me the punch ladle, I'll fathom the bowl.


Oh, my wife she do disturb me as I lie at my ease,

She does as she likes, she says as she please,

My wife, she’s the devil, she’s black as the coal,

Bring me the punch ladle, I'll fathom the bowl.


Oh, my father, he do lie in the depths of the sea,

No stone at his head, but what matters for he,

Here’s a gallon of strong cider, his death to console,

Bring me the punch ladle, I'll fathom the bowl.


So I bid ye young tars, do come an' celebrate, an' put this 'ere fine flag up yer mast! (Translated from Pirate: Please, do put this banner in your signature or blog.)


IPB Image



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Arg, I be likin' that banner you got thar. It be very... piratey. I be using that. And of course, I will give ye credit. Hold on, ye matey. *puts on eye-patch* Now, I be piratey. :pirate:

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Arg, I be a girl, matey! You should be able to tell! And you be spelling me name wrong! :P And yes, I did beat ye to the banner! Har har har! :pirate:

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Arg, ye should be watching what ye say, mate. I be a very wise pirate. :P I even be havin' me own ship to sail the seven seas! And if you don't be mindin', I gotta go lookin' for treasure. I be havin' this map, and it'll be useless if I don't use if for something! :pirate: (And I be using it to become rich!)

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ah,a lass aboard is bad luck,even a little one. :D

Ah, but there's also this from another ol' sea shantey, Caroline and her young sailor bold:

"There is no one shall ever persuade me

One moment to alter my mind,

In the ships I'll proceed with my sailor

And he never shall leave me behind."

So she dressed like a jolly young sailor,

Forsook both her friends and her gold,

Three years and a half on the ocean

She plied with her young sailor bold.

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I've plenty to say 'bout tha': disciplinary methods that come to mind are kissing the gunner's daughter, a good floggin' wiv the cat-o-nine-tails, walking the plank and keelhauling.
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Arr, I knew the day was jest over the horizon, an' I forgot. Call me a landlubber an' stow me in the sail locker. Thankee fer remindin' us all, Cap'n sir.



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Aye, that be a good banner. An' this day has been fun. With thar pirate speakin' all day.


Good thing, I be posting many blog entries about this. Made'em aware I did.



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We had a bit of a shanty over at the Annals today, and yer banner was used to decorate. Made the place right spiffy for the ballad of the Last Saskachewan Pirate. Harr har.
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Arr..What do we have ere?Why,it do be a pirate signature for me n me crew to put on our ship,*Pus eyepatch*Arr..Now I be a real piratey pirate and shall act like an "Old Salt"(Experienced Sailor,for you who don`t know)* jumps to a ship*And now me and me crew shalt be sailing to an island!

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