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Tbzms Interlude #1



The BZ-Metru Story Interlude #1



In the year 2001, only two countries existed: Kanohi Power, and the BZ Community. They were constantly at war.


The two countries each sent representatives to negotiate peace: Dimensioneer and Bionicle Island. They decided to combine the two countries and end the war. They submitted their ideas to the leaders of the countries, and they were merged.


The new land was called BZ-Metru. It flourished and grew. The people were so amazed at the success of the merge that they decided to appoint Dimensioneer ruler over it. Sadly, Bionicle Island died before he could be appointed administrator, so the people chose two members named Bionicle Rex and Binkmeister to replace him.


It was then that the Administration and Reference Desk Tower, or the Admin’s Palace, was constructed. The three admins, plus the newly appointed Mffus903, moved into the tower.


Two aspiring friends, Ninjo and Black Six, arrived in BZ-Metru and were appointed to the Moderation Team. They went on to become two of the most respected members in BZ-Metru.


In 2004, there was a hostile takeover of BZ-Metru, as a member known only as “Hapori Dume” became unconditional dictator on April 1st. His reign of terror lasted only that day however, as he was assassinated the following day and power was returned to the Administrators.


The following year, also on April 1st by some coincidence, Dimensioneer almost sold control of the country to one Mary , who wanted to change the entire countries fabric. The motion did not pass through the Administrative Counsel however, as the vote was 3 to 1, with Ninjo being the dissenting vote.


Dimensioneer tried to kill Ninjo so that the deal might go through, but was banned from the site in the process and Ninjo took over. Another vote was held, and the sale was shot down for good. Dimensioneer was un-banned and peace was restored.


On December 31st of 2005, Ninjo disappeared. Black Six was appointed administrator in his place, and with the retirements of Mffus and Binkmeister in 2007, he became the chief admin. He was greatly respected by the people, being a hero of the Maori Hacker War and the one to divide the Art forum into three.


In late 2009 another governmental coup was staged by a group of members called the “2001 Movement.” It consisted of several members who had been around since the founding of the site who wanted to go back to the way things were.


They tried to assume control by assassinating Black Six. It was only the quick thinking of Dokuma, a Forum Mentor, who saved Black Six and in turn BZ-Metru. Sadly, Dokuma died while saving Black Six, and was posthumously made a Moderator.


Thus is the current history of BZ-Metru.


-Snoopy82, Chief Recorder of History.







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When you talked about Dok's death, it just sounded kind or sarcastic. :P


So yea, I should find some of the previous chapters, if I have missed any, wonder if I appeared in any yet...


[-The Alchemyst-]

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