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My Brain Hurts.



Going on nearly a week and still no idea about that puzzle. I'd love to group with members and try to figure it out, but alas, the no-spoiler policy on Legacy of Evil is still in effect. The one clue I thought I had (a line Makuta said in Mask of Light) I found out is nothing significant. Back to the drawing board, then...


I'm not a huge fan of school this year... I actually had a few classes last year that I loved (U.S. History, English and Geometry (even though I suck at any math beyond basic addition and subtraction)). They were so fun to be in. Unfortunately, due to my low grade on my Summer Reading test last year (I can't help it if the books all put me to sleep), they put me back from English 1 A to English 1 B. It's SO dull. There's no way I could fail it, it's so easy. But it's so easy we don't do anything fun. The longest novel in that class, Of Mice and Men, I could read in a day. I've read way longer books since I was five. It's only six chapters! I'm used to reading 400-page, 50-chapter books in a day and a half.


Oh well... At least History this year is pretty lighthearted. And Health. Health is the highlight of my day. We rarely do anything serious in that class. :P And as much as I don't like art classes (not much of an artist, never was), I'm loving my "Intro to World Crafts and Design" class, since I'm to only male (besides the teacher) there. Yes, one guy in a class full of 15 high school females. Omi would be proud.


EDIT: Oh! It's Internatinal Talk Like a Pirate Day! Um, er, eh... Yarr! Argh! Avast! Scurvy! Etc. etc. :lookaround:

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Reminds me of my Art History class I took Sophmore year. Except there were 4 guys (including me). Not that I'm saying that's bad of course. :P


I remember Of Mice and Men in 9th grade; there are altogether too many swear words in that book. It was easy to read, just emotionally draining.


Eh, swear words don't bother me all that much. What REALLY bothers me is the fact that you were in 9th grade when you read it and I'm in 11th. Why must my class be so slow? -Takatu

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