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November 20th

Ptolemy - The Risen


So I will be blogging now, of my daily life, as The :angry: :pirate: ...yes, The Irate Pirate.


Today started off with a BANG as I began early early early in the morning trying to finish up reading "Heart of Darkness" as well as annotating it...Boy, THAT was fun. I didn't even finish it and soon fell asleep on the floor of my room.


I woke up in time to take my usual shower and drove off to school, where I finished up what I could of the very very horrible book before AP Literature. Then in that class we were discussing the novela while I, being the diligent student that I am, decided I should do some review for the Pre-Calculus test...which I tried before my teacher snatched by Calc. book away...*sigh* another zero. But I did do well in that test the next hour...


The rest of school was uneventful save for a Pre-Physics test that was a breeze.


After school, after arguing with my girlfriend about plans for this weekend, we went to the mall and watched Saw V, which I thought was okay, me never having seen a Saw movie before...And now here I am...I'm pretty sure I'll get better at these in the future, but I'm sleepy - yes that's my excuse. Goodnight.


:angry: :pirate: over and out.


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