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I Hate Swords

Takua the Wanderer


No, not because of Kraggh. I've hated swords for ages. He just inspired me to actually post this. :P

I don't hate Lightsabers though. ^_^



Oh, and on the subject of hate, I don't actually hate my brother. Just the things he does.

Then again, since people are defined by what they do, I suppose I do hate him. :blink:


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You mean a sword with a chain attached to the handle, and you swing the sword around with it? The protagonist in my Epic that I'm planning but will probably never write has one. ^_^

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Why the hate on swords? Such a cool weapon... and so many types. Do you hate a particular style, or just all bladed stick things in general.


And hate is such a strong word. How about "dislike to the point of decapitation with a sword."



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I'd certainly like to know as well. :)


Like a chainsaw? Awesome.


A strong word for a strong emotion. Fitting, wouldn't you say? Whoa, that is so unlike me. Alright, I'll take your suggestion. But let's say "Lightsaber," not "Sword." :P


Why the hate on swords? Such a cool weapon... and so many types. Do you hate a particular style, or just all bladed stick things in general.


And hate is such a strong word. How about "dislike to the point of decapitation with a sword."

Actually, I just want to annoy sword-likers. :P Although I do mostly dislike swords in Bionicle. I think it's ironic that people complain about things being uncreative, yet obsess over one of the most cliched weapons ever. :shrugs: I kinda like the variations, though.

Which is why I do not, and will never, support Tahu having a firesword. :)

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Yeah, jeez, I hate the weapons with fire all over them, like, when they make it look like it's more than just decoration. It makes the weapon hard to use. If it looks like it's actually supposed to be fire, I just...ugh...it used to be cool when I was like 6. But now, NO.

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I had this theory that it was just a normal sword set on fire. But anyone who looks at the sword can tell that it's not true.

Maybe it's an oversized torch. :unsure:

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It's not who you are underneath, but what you do that defines you.


Also, lightsabers are awesome. If anyone looks at them they will be blinded by overexposure to pure awesomeness (:D).



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Whaddabout a Necridsaber? He's a character from Soul Calibur II, and he makes weapons appear out of nowhere with energy orbs. He is possibly the best character, because he has EVERYONE's moves. TeeHee.


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Actually, I just want to annoy sword-likers. :P

Hoho, you're annoyin' a sword-owner. :P


I don't like flaming swords, either. It's stupid, unrealistic (like anything in Bionicle is, I suppose), and wouldn't it burn your hand? I mean, unless you had some kind of fire-proof really huge handguard or crosshilt or something...


But yes, Tahu should have an un-flaming Zweihander. Or Claymore. Depending if you're German or a Highlander. :P

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Actually, I was kinda hoping EW would read this. :P




Whaddabout a Necridsaber? He's a character from Soul Calibur II, and he makes weapons appear out of nowhere with energy orbs. He is possibly the best character, because he has EVERYONE's moves. TeeHee.
Actually, I had a concept of a Toa of Light who makes his own weapons out of Solidified Light Projections. But he uses a scythe, not a sword. Not sure how this is relevant, but... :P
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Pretty much, yeah. :P




Those were both quotes from movies.

The former from Batman Begins (as a lot of you probably know) and the latter... I will leave that to you to guess. :P



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Ugh...as much as I strive to get away from Kung-Fu Panda...>_<


But, I didn't really understand, at first - do you not like swords, like all swords, everywhere, real-life and fictional, or do you just not like Bionicle swords?

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But there are so many kinds... @_@ And they're so fun to swing! And then you poke someone with them, and they go "Blaarg, augh..." and ketchup comes out of their chest and they fall over. It's funny!



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