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The Cold War



Why do they say it ended? Maybe the scare is less than it was during the time period they place the Cold War in, but it is still there. The United States still worries about communist governments in Russia, China, South America, and Middle East. Every so often the media reports on countries that are suspected to have nuclear weapons shipped to them from Russia and China. The powers still try to influence Middle Eastern countries so that they can trade oil with them. And, an instance that doesn't involve the Middle East: the recent conflict between Russia and Georgia, which had quite recently received military training from the US before the instance.


Originally published 22:10 UTC on 21-Nov-2008.


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Because the chances of Russia and US going to war anytime soon are pretty low. Plus Russia isn't really communist anymore, and that was basically the whole point of the cold war...

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So it's not so much that the war ended, but that the contestants have switched. Now the US media is worried about China, N. Korea and Pakistan rather than Russia, N. Korea and N. Vietnam.
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I think we're worried about China, but in a different way. We trade with them so much, the relationship can't really be properly compared to the Soviet Russia-US relationship.

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That's exactly why some should be concerned. America is too dependent on Chinese goods. And considering the recent quality control disasters we've seen, that can't be good.


I wouldn't say the Cold War still exists, but we certainly have some tensions going on. Who knows - perhaps in fifty years they'll give this time period a war name.

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It wasn't about communism. Never really was.


Russia decided to test out their own nuclear bomb. It was successful.


America made a better bomb. More destruction, more heck.


Russia copied.


Hydrogen Bomb by America.


Russia plays Hydrogen Bomb.


Better Bomb, America.


Same Bomb, Russia.


Better, America.


Better, Russia.


Space Race, get satellites in space to get geographical edge on other country.


America plays last card with man on the moon.


EDIT: The end of the Space Race didn't end it completely of course, but it was the climax to the whole neck-and-neck arms race.



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Pish posh. It was never called the Cold war due because it never went "hot" between the US and Russia. It was obviously because it was just chilly in Russia.

And now with global warming and all, it would be pure madness to even think of calling a war cold.



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