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Frothy Loops



For a program whose namesake is a cereal, FL claims a continent and sells it on eBay. Like Rkaner did with that "chalinder", but that's another storu.

So, for my list of musical creation programs -
Cakewalk Project5 2.0(very limited demo)
Fruity Loops 6.0 (demo)
PropellorHeads ReBirth (blbtph!)
SoundForge 6.0 (boo yah!)
Anvil Studio (Midi goodness)

Acid is on its way, though I don't know just what version yet. And my friend plans let me install his Cakewalk Kinetic.

Reason and Acid Pro 5 are my dream programs. But I can easily use what I've got now to start producing.

It's just.. now I actually have to figure out how to use these programs.

I've got QUITE a ways to go. I barely understand what all the terms like samples, channels, flangers, and all that other hoohah entail. I wonder if there's a music media class at school or something.

Plus all those music programs, I've been looking into Adobe PhotoShop 2.0 Elements for only 20$. Or rather the emphasis should be on only 2.0 Elements.

Now for tablets. Anyone know a good deal?



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Elements 2.0? :fear:


I've tried FL, it was impossible for me to make anything... but it was the demo, so it was limited I guess. They have tutorials, don't they?

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Best tablet deal I've found thus far (and I haven't done that much searching) is on a Wacom Graphire. 85$ for a 4"x5".

...Audacity. :P

It's all I've got, and it works fine for me.

Interesting.. tell me about this "Audacity" (I'm sure you have before, but I don't remember any details).



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FL5 was quite easy to work out, the basic were anyways. Sure some of my first songs made were lame but I've improved a lot. Just give it a bit of time and you'll figure out how to work then


There is a music tech class at my school but I need to know how to play an instrument at grade four level, so it's more of a hobby. Yeah, I do more things in my spare time then just BZ you know =P


If you cared, samples is a piece of sound that you could use to make a synth sound or something. Channels once you manage to use them are really useful. They let you add effects to your samples. Flanger is a type of effect.


If you want your blog to attract a helpful audience then kjbhkgbehltrehtfhnfgn might not be a good thing to call it, but you probably knew that already =P






*goes to google Audacity*


I've got Goldwave =)

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