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B Z P Namez, Angelz, And.. Harpyness.

Boogie Monsta


First order of business: I'm thinking about changing my name to Ferhago the Stone Temple Pilot. Assuming it's not too long, d'you guy think it sounds cool? I think it does. Deliciously random, still Ferhago, and awesome hard rock riffs. Comment at least on this, please.


Second.. Angel likez me! =D my evidence? Spoke to her 3 times, with these reactions:

She was really happy when I talked to her, the first time she smiled so hard she looked she might explode. She didn't really try to hide it that time, either. For like 20 minutes after that she acted all animated and happy and laughing, too. Which is unusual since usually at church she looks like her dog just died.. The second time she didn't try to hide her happiness, either, even though I just said hey. She replied in a pretty loud voice, even tho she usually talks really softly. And the third time, she kinda walked away a few steps, slowly, tossed her hair over her shoulder, and then turned her head to answer the question.


So I'm happier than I've been in.. ever.


Pleased to meet you, nice to know me,

What's the message? Can ya show me?

I've been waiting, a long time now,

What is the answer? You're all mine now.

Yeaaah, I've been waitin' for my Sunday Girl,

Yeaaah, I've been waitin' for my Sunday Girl, now.


Recommended Comments

Yeah, that's.....an incredibly stupid name. You don't drive Stone Temples. Nor is there recorded a Stone Temple (unless you want to count the last Majora's Mask dungeon), unless I missed something in Twilight Princess.


Wait....isn't that the way every girl talks to me? :blink:

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