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Yay! Presents In November!

Takua the Wanderer


*Other personality takes over*


What the heck? Why is everyone preparing for Christmas when Thanksgiving isn't even over? :blink:


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But November isn't even over yet! :o

Oh, and :nahnah: about not having Thanksgiving!


I officially hate you. If you got presents.


But yeah, it's like "Erm...why? Sure, presents are awesome, but I'm going to hate this music real fast at this rate."

I got presents, but they weren't Christmas Presents. :P


Ack! I just remembered what I hate about Christmas. :annoyed2:

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It's easier for stores to get potential customers to buy more that way. Simply put, the longer some people are in the "Buy stuff for Christmas frenzy", which can easily be triggered early by airing the commercials earlier, the more people will buy altogether.


As for why Thanksgiving isn't celebrated like it was, it's likely a side effect caused by the above mentioned advertising strategy. I haven't seen a single Thanksgiving commercial air this year. ><




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Thanksgiving hasn't even come yet. And there is Christmas stuff everywhere. Do I mind? Nope. :P Honestly, what is such a big deal?



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Gah! I just hate those Mata Nui-sent-to-Karzahni Christmas commercials! :burnmad:

Besides, we don't even get presents early! :(


Dude, Blah-Mart was selling Christmas decorations in August.

There's a Chiristmas tree in the nearby shopping centre...
There's one in my school... :annoyed2:


It's easier for stores to get potential customers to buy more that way. Simply put, the longer some people are in the "Buy stuff for Christmas frenzy", which can easily be triggered early by airing the commercials earlier, the more people will buy altogether.


As for why Thanksgiving isn't celebrated like it was, it's likely a side effect caused by the above mentioned advertising strategy. I haven't seen a single Thanksgiving commercial air this year. ><

Huh. My dad says it's the economic crisis. :blink:
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