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Day 24



Hey, I'm starting to heal up from my lil illness. Seems that I had a virus that died in my respiratory system ( or for those who don't know what that is, it's the lungs area ;) ) Anyway, when it died, it left something in my esophagus and I got sick from that. Wow, I'm a complex person. It's never "just" a cold or fever. So, I went to the doc's yesterday, and I needed a shot. My mom told me that the shot's medicine was like putting an entire pot of coffee in me. WOWZA!!! If any of you would have seen me yesterday, I mean, I'd be the most hyper sick person you will ever see :lol: . Anyway, I'm feeling better now. My doc wants me to take an antibiotic, just in case of bacteria, and a medication for stuffy, runny, other ickiness stuff. But my antibiotic has a side-effect. It makes people jittery, oh boy :P .


Anyway, I got my homework from the past 2 days, came home and finished it and today's homework in 2 hours :wakeup2: . Easy, easy, easy. But my English teacher had to give too much homework, and there were a large number of tests and quizzes I missed. That will get in the way of a test I need to make up, a test over a recently read book, and a critical book review over that book. For those who want to know what that book is, it's Silas Marner. That was THE worst book I have ever had to read in my life. Although it shows human behavior with excellence. Anyway, I guess everything turned out to be OK in the end of all of this. Later.


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I beg to differ.


Great Expectations cannot hold a candle to the headache-inducing power of The Sound and the Fury, by William Faulkner.

No redeeming elements to that great piece of American fiction.



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