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B B C Ideas, Namez

Boogie Monsta


Hay guyz, I have my idea for BBC#51, I'll tell if you promise not to copy..

I was thinking about doing the homeless guy from Even Flow, but the 1-solitary-MOC rule shut that down, since he'd need the alleyway to show he was homeless.

The Guy from Indestructible - Disturbed would be too much responsibility, so when I screwed it up I'd get even more contempt..

The Pretender from the Foo Fighters song was tempting, but the description could go basically anywhere.

So.. The final decision?


King of Everything - Anarchy Club.

"I'm walking on the sky, for all to see, I know the secret of eternity, make all the devils cry, and angels sing, because I am the King of Everything."

There's more, but if I pull this off it'll be an epic MOC. 'specially "Breath of God, they all applaud, my fire-eyed inferno."


And my name's changed nao! =D


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I thought about doing the opening scene of Inside the Fire, but that would be too disturbing for a lot of people.


I also thought about doing Rick Astley, but then I remembered that I don't have a good camera, and suck at MOCing. ><

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