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Old Ghosts

Roa McToa


I drove across the bay to check out the Drydock the other day. I was checking up on a boat that I was helping paint (I will take pics of it in the day to show you all)


Anyway, there are a good lot of derelict ships that were sent to drydock after the 1964 earthquake. I took pics of a few of them at dusk. Pics are clickable to make em bigger. Enjoy!








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Yeah, dusk really stinks for pics. Although, it does capture a rather ghostly appeal.


I plan on making a detailed entry about the boat yard and all the old ships there, with good crisp daylight pics taken on a tripod. Just waiting for that bluebird day that happens to be on a day off.......

There's even WW2 trooper ships, yanno the kind that can go up to a beach and drop off troops and tanks jeeps etc. Very cool stuff. Lots of old fishers and crabbers, as well as sailers and more modern boats that are there for work.


The boats pictured here will probably never be seaworthy unless some rich dude comes along and decides to restore.


Its really a cool place to visit, and is just a short drive across the bay from my home.

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Til I came to the marge, of Lake Labarge

And there a derelict lay

It was covered in ice, but I saw in a trice

it was called the Alice May

I looked at it, and I thought a bit

And I looked at my frozen chum

Then "here" says I, with a sudden cry.

"Is my cre-ma-tor-ium!" ~ Robert Service


Awesome pictures. :bigsmile:





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Yeah, dusk really stinks for pics. Although, it does capture a rather ghostly appeal.


Bah, I meant it's the best time of day. : p

All those blues and oranges clashing with purples and reds.

Daylight is, well daylight.

Dawn is just the sky getting brighter followed by a blinding light lol.


It's sad seeing ships like that go to waste. Yet if there was ever a vehicle that should be retired for safety after they've served their time, it's boats.

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I definitely haveto agree with you there. All of these boats are wood hull ships. They were in service before the 64 quake. It's interesting to see whats out there, as there are quake pics out there, and one is of a boat called the Celtic thats been beached by the tsunami wave, and I was told that it is still in service to this day.




This location is less than a ten minute walk from my house..... Now theres a harbor there......

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Til I came to the marge, of Lake Labarge

And there a derelict lay

It was covered in ice, but I saw in a trice

it was called the Alice May

I looked at it, and I thought a bit

And I looked at my frozen chum

Then "here" says I, with a sudden cry.

"Is my cre-ma-tor-ium!" ~ Robert Service


Awesome pictures. :bigsmile:



Heh. I remember that from like grade six or something.




That's awesome. Too bad Vancouver doesn't have awesome stuffs like that.


- :f: :flagcanada:

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