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Oh Yes, Big Blargh. xD


Went to the Doctor's today...Yucky, I know.


Tek & My Younger brother came with me, as well as my Dad. We're all sick. ): My Dad could come down with Pneumonia (AGAIN, this is like the 7th or 8th time!) he is soooo sick! He has an ear infection in his right ear. Tek has an ear infection in his Left ear. X_Drey (My Younger Brother) Has an ear infection in BOTH ears! I Just have a plain 'ol cold.....but....I was born with Pneumonia & had Pneumonia & Mono when I was 4 year sold. So If my Dad gets Pneumonia things could get bad for me too. I could get it. D:


So yeah, we're all sick. *Is doing homework*


It was funny, just beofre my Doctor came in I said to my younger brother "Now watch this, she's gonna say something about how cute I am or something." (Because she always does lol) and she walks in and goes "Awww, do you have the same thing, Cute Stuff?" I was like..."I'm not sure but I have a sore throat, cough and congestion." Afterwards my brother was like, "When she said "Cute Stuff" I should've spoken up, but then we would have never left the office..." Which is true because the Doctor is like the type of person who rambles on about everything. YOu don't happen to know anybody like that, do you? xP




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