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My Dreams.



(From another site.)



Over the years I've realized I dream about shopping for things way more than I dream about anything else.

I used to have dreams like that, before eBay, back when you could only see tables and tables of cool ###### at convention halls.


I've never been one for dreams involving a certain type of movement like running or falling.


I have two weird dreams these days though... 95% of them is me surviving, fighting either:

-giger aliens


-dark forms


The other is strange. It doesn't feel like a dream, more like I'm sending snapshots from the future.

It's me, only about 18 years old, wearing a black trenchcoat. I have a sword, I can concentrate and fly (more like hover) short distances, and I'm always helping people.

I don't have any idea what I'm helping them with, the dreams are brief.

I usually meet people outside their doors and they seem happy I'm there. Then I go off to search for something or to just guard.

And even though my face is young, I'm actually somewhat old, just opting for the young face.



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Sound like my dreams. o_O


No, really, about 95 percent of them are me trying to survive being attacked by some weird alien, or monster, or ghost, or politician, or something. Except the other five percent that I suffer are like some sort of cheesy "dramatic" soap opera with a bunch or random people and myself trying to survive a zombie apocalypse, and whatnot.






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I'm not usually good at remembering my dreams. I'd say they're mostly soap opera, mostly symbolic, and mostly over my head.


<o> <o>

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You are The One.


Speaking of which, I turned that guy into a sparrow and put him in a food processor and he suffocated.

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How come you get cool dreams? :angry:


I usually either dream about dying, people I know dying, or the apocalypse. I blame the anti-depressants.

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