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The Story Of Naruto



OK, so Naruto is an annoying kid with attention problems that everyone one hates but hey lets back up a bit KK?


So, in the beginning, a giant mutant fox with multiple tails and most likely multiple eyes and legs came to beat up the Konoha Ninjoas because it sucks. Now, Mr. President came up and went "SOMETHING JAPANESE no Jutsu"! And sealed it in his baby because he's a #####. Now, Naruto was the kid's name because his dad's name was somethin-or-other and he was totally B)


Now, Naruto totally fails as a ninja (he can't even do the clone jutsu lol) so everyone hates him. But since it's yaoi he gets to kiss Sasuke. Now, Sakura is his LAYDAY, err, his crush that hates him that likes Sasuke, so she was angry and punched Naruto and Naruto cried and than EXPLODED.


Next, a bunch of stuff happened and he beat up his teacher so that made him a ninja. he went "YATTA!!" and moved on. Then one day, he had to get his pic taken for ########, but he painted himself and had to do it again. That was the main point of the story.


Next, he became a Genîn, which I think is Japanese for Beginner NinjaDude, but I do not know. He was in a team with Sasuke (aaaawkward ...) and Sakura (*BOOM headshot*) and his old teacher with spiky gray hair. He was named Kakashi. He was double their height (this is actually true; he was double their height or even more in a few panels of volume 1) and he wore a mask 'cause he's a ninja stereotype. Next, a whole lot of stuff happened where a kid who liked killing was introduced and this snake guy and stuff and it was WOAAAAAH and lol you'd just need to be there and then a two year time skip passed as Naruto learned the way of the ecchi.


And that's it.


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