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Oh, That One Hurts



Well, first, TRU apparently is having 50% off on Aquaraiders, and I've had my eye on the 20$ Lobster Strike ever since I found out it had a special piece I've always wanted.


And then I get online today and find out that the normally $100 Star Justice (and Space Skulls) is only $35 on S@H.


So you can see where my pain is coming from.


I don't think it's a matter of money. In theory I can afford it and still have enough for Christmas gifts and personal pleasantries and school books along with my winter break job. But I'm a college kid so "shouldn't be spending money," if you know what I mean. Or am I buying a set I never thought I'd own because it is at a very reasonable price--for that set? Hey if the USC Millennium Falcon goes on sale for $100, that's still too much to spend even though it's a great deal on that set. (Now, I've never paid over $40 on one set, but if that goes on sale for $50 you can bet I'd buy it.)


But maybe it's not that. Maybe, maybe it's the fact that my parents are around. I can easily order this on my debit card and have it sent to college :sly: , but they'll end up finding out later, if I'm not careful. (Granted, if the Falcon was lowered to a great price their glares at me wouldn't matter. I'd probably buy a few more for my friends.)


So alas, I don't go and buy this Lego since I really have no reason other than "It was on a great sale price! Oh, no, I never really expected to own this."


I wonder how my life would be different if I had more Lego freedom. I guess we'll find out in 4 years once I have my own place and an income.


-CF :kakama:


Quote of the Day from Ferrius: “Yes you are entitled to your own opinion, however, you are not allowed to express it.”


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Whoa, that's cheap. Maybe you could talk them into it...? I mean, Lego is a lifestyle. You'll be working at the Lego Store, so you should have some current merchandise, eh? :sly:





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Buy one and put the other on your Christmas list. And if you don't get it... well, that's life.




But after today, y'see, Star Justice's price rises again, I think. As does the Lobster Strike. And my parents rarely buy stuff online, I'll be lucky to get the Firefly box set off Amazon where it's $25.

But apparently Star Justice has been on sale for a while now, and at Lego Stores. So even if the price rises I might be able to get it later.

Like my parents will get me Lego....



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Hey hey, buy two.


Sell one on eBay after the price goes back up, make up for some of your expense.


Moving assets around and getting deals on LEGO. You can be a businessman.


Makes sense to me anyway.

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Wait. That's a good idea.

A veeerrrry good idea.

Lemme go talk to my mom.


How long should I wait before putting it on ebay?




Scratch that. She says no. *Grr*

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