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Christmas Tree!

Jedi Gali


So today, I had the day off. No plans. Nothing exciting to do. So what did I do this morning?


I went Christmas Tree shopping!! Whee! :D I love getting 'em early. C'mon, who wants one around after Christmas? My mom, brother, and I first headed to Target where I bought a few makeup items. (No, no sets) Then, we made our way to Home Depot. It didn't take too long to find a good one but before we brought home a nice pretty tree, I had to use my persuasiveness. Due to prices, they were about to get a tiny, fairly skinny Frasier Fir! Horrors! It was barely taller than me. (And I'm kinda short) In my book, a tree has to be tall. Hallelujah, I was able to get my mom and bro to look at some others. Whew.


So we get home and set it up. I helped screw it in the stand, but not without any pain. I was squished between the tree and the window, branches and needles all around me. I'm pretty sure I got poked. Oh well, at least it's up now. Hopefully we'll decorate it in a few days. . .


On another note, I did some writing tonight. My attention deprived To Be or Not To Be now has it's seventh chapter. (Link) :D Read it if you dare.


:kaukau: -JG


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My family and I just set up our Christmas tree today, ornaments and all. Plus lights. Bright lights that flash on and off and look pretty.


So we're in the Christmas spirit now. Yay and stuff :P .



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