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A Very Eventful Break

Lady Kopaka


Is baaaack. ;D


I had a great time. Usually I'm not much of a peoples-person, even around my friends... but I guess after I moved and became completely unsociable, you kind of get cabin fever. So, I had a blast partying, having a very delicious Thanksgiving meal, getting to be in one of my friend’s films (I got to be eaten by the monster! =D), and other good things. Best of all I got to see Quantum Of Solace and I must say Daniel Craig is such a hunk. *Fangirls*


The driving itself... well that wasn’t so good. My siblings can be very loud, then we hit a deer and I basically hyperventilated (thank the lord we did not crash and a headlight was the only thing we lost), and I got really sick on the way home... it was very eventful to say in the least. I guess it's just another example of to get good stuff in my life; I have to receive dire stuff too.


Anyway, I’m alright now and I’m just catching up on things. I got a lot of art done, but not too much Bionicle itself sadly. Still, I’ll see about uploading and showing what I got. Designing human rendition for the Makuta is fuuun. ^^


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Drat. I haven't time to see Quantum of Solace anytime soon.

*Fangirls alongside you*



And sorry about the ride. And the deer. And you getting sick.

What I always do in long drives is stare intently at one point really far off,

and sooner than it seems you start daydreaming off, and then Poof.

You're there.


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Guest kopakanuva13


O hai =P

Glad you're back... Not much more to say than what Sirius said, though ._.


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And whoa, HB Makuta? No way!= D


Haven't seen Quantum of Solace...saw Twilight the other day. It's good as long as you like the book.



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The reviews for QoS were... not too great (2.5/5 stars). My bro. saw it and, however, said it was good. I just don't like the character of James Bond to start with, though, so yeah.


Hope ya'll had a good Thanksgiving. :)



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And sorry about the ride. And the deer. And you getting sick.

What I always do in long drives is stare intently at one point really far off,

and sooner than it seems you start daydreaming off, and then Poof.

You're there.

That makes me wanna write some lyrics with how you said that. xD


Haven't seen Quantum of Solace...saw Twilight the other day. It's good as long as you like the book.

I haven't read Twilight yet and the craze about it is a bit too much for me, so I'm gunna wait to check it out later. It looks nice though.


Poor deer.

More like the stupid deer. >_< The darn thing ran out right in front of us and my dad didn't have time to stop, and I nearly fainted from shock for some reason.


The reviews for QoS were... not too great (2.5/5 stars). My bro. saw it and, however, said it was good. I just don't like the character of James Bond to start with, though, so yeah.

Reviews and critics are dumb. Do not trust them. The movie was good. And I like the new Bond. Very yummy. :3

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It's ok that you hyperventilated. It just means you'll be stronger next time during a potential crisis where people might actually be hurt and need you to rely on.


Deer are pretty stupid animals... GORED the bottom of my car once swerving to avoid hitting one, running myself into a ditch.

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And sorry about the ride. And the deer. And you getting sick.

What I always do in long drives is stare intently at one point really far off,

and sooner than it seems you start daydreaming off, and then Poof.

You're there.

That makes me wanna write some lyrics with how you said that. xD


Haven't seen Quantum of Solace...saw Twilight the other day. It's good as long as you like the book.

I haven't read Twilight yet and the craze about it is a bit too much for me, so I'm gunna wait to check it out later. It looks nice though.


Poor deer.

More like the stupid deer. >_< The darn thing ran out right in front of us and my dad didn't have time to stop, and I nearly fainted from shock for some reason.


The reviews for QoS were... not too great (2.5/5 stars). My bro. saw it and, however, said it was good. I just don't like the character of James Bond to start with, though, so yeah.

Reviews and critics are dumb. Do not trust them. The movie was good. And I like the new Bond. Very yummy. :3

Hey, Lady K, I'm quoting you quoting other people! :)

1) [singing badly] And I'm sorry 'bout the ride, and the deer, and the sick! [/singing badly]


2)Speaking as a fan of the Twilight books (before this craze that arose out of nowhere... Actully, the girl I had a crush on got me into them... But THAT is a different story ENTIRE-LY) I think you'd like it, but as always with these instances, please read the book first. Unless mushy love stories mixed with bone-chilling vampires creeps you out. Or just love stories in general. [/doesn't know, and is now making a fool of himself] :P


3)The deer actully wondered if it could hitch a ride on you front bumper, seeing as how the deermobile (a branch of Exxon) left it on the roadside again. Sadly, Humans do not speak deer, so all you heard was "*ba-thump*, and the occasional gasp of fright from the driver's area." ... Followed by retching. :P


4) I love the old Bond movies, but I haven't seen any newbies yet. (wow, a use of the word "newbies" for non-degrading reasons! :blink: )


The movie was good. And I like the new Bond. Very yummy. :3


Very Yummy. :3




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