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Bleh. I'm not feeling so great today... scratchy throat and all congested. Doctor says I should take it easy this weekend. I feel a bit better than I did before, though, so hopefully I'll be able to make it to church tomorrow to help work. I really want to, because I need to get out of the house (besides school) and church work days are always fun.


I have gotten zilch done as far as writing goes since school started. I've just been SO tired after school; maybe I'll get the motivation to write again when I get used to the school schedule. Two and a half weeks and I'm still new to the 5:45 wake-up time. :P


Those darn stone ussals in the southern Matoran resistance area in VNOG are a pain. I keep trying to isolate them the pick 'em off one at a time, but they keep managing to squirm around me and bring every other ussal into the fight; seven in all. Well, you can tell the game's not canon when a Pewku has more health and is harder to kill than Reidak.


Better go take my medicine now. *Sigh* I hate being sick. Kids, don't ever get sick. It's not worth staying home from school. Trust me.


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I hate being sick. But I hate taking medicine even more, so I don't take it. I just lie there on the couch, eating crackers or toast and drinking water or juice while watching movies all day long. :P



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The Rock Ussals amuse me infinitely.


We were at the beach

Everybody had matching towels

Somebody went under a dock

And there they saw a rock

It wasn't a rock

It was a rock ussal!


VNOLG is hysterically non-canon.

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