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The Real Fiction: The Letter



This post is a pioneering one for me: my fiction, published online for the first time.


Now, I cannot guarantee that this will be shown more prominently on this blog. I am *somewhat, maybe more than that* proud of this piece of work.


It was a take I did on that harmful Creative Writing session, and I freshened it up, edited it here and there, and finally handed it to the lecturer.


It would not go to any competition or anything, but it was a creative release. I have not done a short story in this form before.


You are most welcome to review, of course. Take note of these three terms:


'tembusu' - A species of tree.

'jie jie' - Big sister

'mei mei' - Little sister (those two terms are Chinese, by the way.)


And, on a reality note, this is the last day of my holidays, for real. Now I can add this to one of the holiday achievements.


Next you'll hear from me, I'll be in school.





The Letter


Dear Marilyn,


How are you? It’s been a long time since we met. I could say that it’s been awfully lonely since.



She made her way through the forest.



I know what you’ll say: I’m lying.


I’m not.


The old friends like Herman, Atiqah, Aye, Lina and so many more; they are around me. But don’t forget, they were OUR friends.



Dawn was in the distance, the illuminated sky betraying the pastel yellow and red sky behind the grey clouds. The glade she was in received the morning rays.



Herman was successful at the competition: He got the Scrabble Gold. Atiqah just ended the aikido classes and started archery classes (Laugh with me. She has too much on her plate.); Aye’s novel collection just got bigger: I gave her two Dan Browns, (One on your behalf.) and Lina’s birthday just passed, and she loved the Chinese-dubbed Korean soap opera DVD I gave her: ‘Jewel in the Palace’. It’s a soppy story about a little cook who matures, along with all the funny drama bits that you and I despise, but Lina enjoyed it greatly! She made me watch it with her!



She made her way through the trees, her skirt trailing along the leaf-littered mud.



I wonder how you are. I do, really! I mean, you should be happy now, and I should be that too, yet I’m not.


Strange, isn’t it? We’re twins, yet worlds apart!



She searched for it, hands delicately prying the foliage aside.



As for me – I know you’d love to hear about me: How I kept following you in your shadow; (Don’t shut me up.) how you were the ‘brain’ and I was the ‘brawn’.


You knew everything about me.


I took up writing recently. It’s my turn to be the ‘brain’, as much as I hate all the brain-burning stuff, like Maths!


I wonder how on earth you love it!



She found it, past the great tembusu that towered above her.



I must be honest. It wasn’t easy to get an ‘A’ in Maths. Thank you for your unending support by tutoring me, sis, even if I was such a horrible student. Maths isn’t so difficult, after all! (Hit me upside the head. You were the one who said so, and I didn’t believe you.)


And in my writing classes, I found the task of grabbing story topics and plots so easy! We had many adventures together (Do you remember? You better remember them!) And I loved telling them to the others! Remember how we looked after the class aquarium in secondary school? The writers loved the recount of you getting wet, and you whining about it! They found the ‘brace-face’ incident a great hoot! I hope your hand isn’t still hurting, and I got my braces off. Oh, and they were really amused that we were twins, but were not telepathically linked, and we didn’t look alike!



She stepped out of the bushes.



But I didn’t tell them this: we thought alike, and acted alike in similar situations. We did everything together, ever since our birth! You were my shield, and I was yours.





She made her way on, the sunlight pouring through the forest clearing.



I admit it.



She strode on purposefully, up to the feature of the clearing.




My sister.

My other half.

My confidante.



You are the only one who I’m going to admit this to.



She stooped before the stone.




I miss you.




She looked at the picture embedded into the stone.



I miss you so much, ‘jie jie’.




I miss you terribly.



She removed a faded and stained yellow envelope upon the head of the grave, adding it to the rest that littered the foot of the grave in piles and masses.




Rest in peace. See you soon.



Till the next letter,

mei mei’ Mabel




She placed a white envelope, a cursive ‘Marilyn’ written on it, upon the head of the grave, and looked back at the image of her twin sister on the tomb stone.


She smiled, a sad smile, as memories once again flooded her mind. Kneeling down in silence beside the grave, she continued to gaze at her twin sister and allowed herself to remember and cry.




Recommended Comments

I cried a little bit. It was touching. Reminds of all your other great stories.

Very well done. <dd>. Fits in perfectly with the overcast Saturday morning.


Dark...but with hope that lingers in the background...

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I have two little brothers who are twins and I know this is how they would feel if one of them...


Oh man, this reminds me of how scared I was when me brother was in the hospital.


Awesome work <Daydreamer>, your writing is very good at impressing an emotion on the reader. I hope you will post more soon.

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The teacher did say that this was sad... but I never thought it'd be like this.


I cried a little bit. It was touching. Reminds of all your other great stories.

Very well done. <dd>. Fits in perfectly with the overcast Saturday morning.


Dark...but with hope that lingers in the background...


The hope that somewhere out there her sister would be reading this? Maybe. I never really saw it that way, but you did point out a good perspective. Thanks for showing that to me. Interesting.

'Reminds of all your other great stories'? Don't make me whap you.


But, welcome back! Motago lives! And you found my blog, congratulations!


I have two little brothers who are twins and I know this is how they would feel if one of them...


Oh man, this reminds me of how scared I was when me brother was in the hospital.


Awesome work <Daydreamer>, your writing is very good at impressing an emotion on the reader. I hope you will post more soon.


Oh now, you have a pair of twins under your roof? Fantastic. Twins are fun!

Oh yes, they would feel that way, maybe even more. There are still some things that words can't express.


I hope your brother is fine now. And thank you for your compliments. I will think over posting some more of such fiction. Thank you once again.



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Oh now, you have a pair of twins under your roof? Fantastic. Twins are fun!

Oh yes, they would feel that way, maybe even more. There are still some things that words can't express.


I hope your brother is fine now. And thank you for your compliments. I will think over posting some more of such fiction. Thank you once again.




Yeah, they're fun to be around (most of the time). :)


He's okay now. He's active on BZP too (his user-name is ~Po~ and the other twin is The Rahkshi of Force).


You're very welcome. :)

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Reading this, I had to put my emotional shields on full strength. A typical male defense mechanism against anything profound. Dry-eyed, bland-faced, I cannot deny the tears of my innermost soul.


That was most artfully written.



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Reading this, I had to put my emotional shields on full strength. A typical male defense mechanism against anything profound. Dry-eyed, bland-faced, I cannot deny the tears of my innermost soul.


That was most artfully written.


*pats BCii on the shoulder* I never intended it to cause readers to react like this.


Thank you for your comment. I feel honoured, no really, to get a review like that from you.



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