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Whew! I Feel Acomplished.



In all honesty I barely touched my Lego (System bricks) while at college. They were sitting under my bed, just waiting to be built into something. But did I touch them? A little. So a "no" would be appropriate. Instead I decided to waste my Saturday afternoons surfing the web. The original plan was always to do homework on Saturday, but instead it was pushed off until Sunday. If I had realized what kind of work ethic I had, I would not have surfed and instead built, knowing in full truth I would do my homework on Sunday.


XCCJ, I an see why you only have Lego displays at college and never discuss taking any with you. You realize you won't have time. (I, however, intend to make time next semester.)


Today, three days before finals start, I sat down on my floor and started sorting any Lego of mine that needed it. (I knew now was my last chance, for I would be studying until my last exam, and then immediately after hitting the road for home.) Taking into account dinner, a friend wanting to go to Michael's Crafts, and playing online pictionary with some friends for an hour and a half, I probably spent 5 hours sorting what needed to be sorted and figuring out (not all successfully) where special pieces went. (My pieces are still sorted by color, as my collection is small enough. It will, however, be sorted into type and size once I have time and get some more storage containers.)


Why did I do all this sorting when I should have been preparing for exams? Well, since I have barely done anything with System all semester, going home during break and just building Bionicle would not cut it for me. I have a lot of System ideas rolling around in my mind and winter break is the chance to act on these. (Especially since I was not able to take part in NoVVember.) I shall attempt to take as many different colors and unique useful pieces as possible when packing up to go home. I'll have a job, but not any homework, so I figure I'll have plenty of time to build, as there is "nothing better to do."*


-CF :kakama:


Quote of the Day: Never say "Oops" in the operating room.


*There are some things that are equally as important to me. Like reading books. I have not done this too often lately, just finished Final Battle luckily, and hope to get in five books--one a week. Wishful thinking....


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Well, another one of my reasons is space. At home, I tend to spread out my piles on the floor and leave it there for a long time while I'm building. You can't do that when you have roommates coming in and out...


Good luck building over break.



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Oh, ok. I have plenty of floor space and usually the only major foot traffic is my roommate and me. And there's a good chance he wouldn't be in the room. What I should do sometime is build over a weekend when he isn't around, so I can keep the piles on the floor overnight.

How big are your rooms? Mine is 11x17 feet. Next year it'll be 11x15.



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Hooray for sorting.


I should really get around to sorting those several thousand extra System pieces I have scattered around. And those two or three thousand extra Bionicle/Technic pieces.




And are you coming to BrickFest '09? Arpy and I are both (probably) going. It's in March.


- :f: :flagcanada:

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Hooray for sorting.


I should really get around to sorting those several thousand extra System pieces I have scattered around. And those two or three thousand extra Bionicle/Technic pieces.




And are you coming to BrickFest '09? Arpy and I are both (probably) going. It's in March.


- :f: :flagcanada:

O.o Wow. Good luck.




BF09? Yeahno. I have school, and don't quite feel like paying for a plane ticket and hotel room and whatnot for a convention on the other side of the country. I'll hope I can make it to BrickFair 09.

Get me something special? :D



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other side of the country.

Ah. That might be a problem. It's why I didn't go to BrickFair 08.


Get me something special? :D

Lol, if you're lucky! :D


- :f: :flagcanada:

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