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Same Story Over And Over?

Danska: Shadow Master


Since 2006, I've noticed one thing that has stayed entirely consistent. The story has changed, the places have changed, but each time the inhabitants have been having a really rough time living there. Voya Nui was mostly barren, Mahri Nui really wasn't suitable for Matoran habitation and Karda Nui wasn't especially either, now we have a desert world that is also a difficult place to live.


I would quite enjoy seeing a place where the inhabitants don't struggle to live out their every day lives, if only for the sake of variety. I mean, it's not even as if it's added anything to the story these past few years. We've had a bit at the beginning of the story where the Matoran are stated to have difficulties living (very little demonstration), then the story immediately switches to the main plot of the Toa and whatever quest they happen to be embarking on at the time.


I don't want a story that focuses on all the little ins and outs of Matoran life. That could get dull very quickly. What I do wonder is whether these harsh environments are holding back certain details. Remember Mata Nui and Metru Nui, and the diversity in culture found there? Remember the Le-Koronan bands, the Kolhii matches, the aloof Ko Matoran in their towers and all the other little things we learnt about the hugely diverse, varied and detailed cultures of the Matoran?


I've said it before, it's these details that can really make a story gripping. When the heroes are fighting for the lives of a group of Matoran, it helps if you can connect to those Matoran and have some reason to care about them. This was true on Mata Nui, to a lesser extent on Metru Nui then not at all after that because we knew so little about them. We had next to no knowledge or information about their lives, culture or society, we knew a tiny pocketful of inhabitants whose only purpose involved playing bit roles in the main plot, and beyond that only the faceless masses of unknowns. What incentive is there to care about these people?


When Ta Koro was destroyed, I felt that. I had come to know the village and its inhabitants, and it was terrible to see it gone - to see so many homes, the source of such diversity and culture, sink beneath the lava. By knowing the village and its people I could connect to it and care. When Mahri Nui was destroyed, when the Av-Matoran were forced to abandon their homes in Karda Nui, did I care? Did I feel it mattered? No, not especially. Those Matoran may as well not have existed for all the difference they made.


Some people will live in harsh environments, it's true, and struggle to live out each day, but in Bionicle it's not new any more. It's been done. Something else please?


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Interesting note... I know exactly what you're saying, but there has just been drastically less room to tell the story of the Matoran. The only place we were getting any idea of how the Matoran lived is through MNOLG 1 and 2, and we don't have online games (at least not big ones) anymore. The Metru Nui guidebook helped in that respect too, but the updated Encyclopedia was to be the last guidebook.


Also, for the record, there were tiny little attempts at filling in Matoran culture in 2006-2008. Reread Island of Doom, City of the Lost, and Shadows of the Sky... City of the Lost is admittedly the best at filling in little details, since the Barraki didn't even appear until halfway through the book, whereas the Piraka and Phantoka appeared pretty early on in the other two.


Another thing--you said that the past 3 years, Matoran have always been living in rough places with tough conditions, but arguably the only year the Matoran were living somewhere peaceful was 2004 (2005 doesn't count because Metru Nui was destroyed and there were no Matoran that year). Mata Nui wasn't so safe, with the vicious Rahi and then natural dangers (it wasn't a tamed city island like Metru Nui); the Matoran also had to hunt for food whereas in normal conditions Matoran would have a place to recharge their energy like on Metru Nui. Things were obviously not the best there, arguably at least as bad as Voya Nui. As for Mahri Nui, that would be considerably more dangerous; going outside of the city requires an air bubble and the wildlife there was considerably more vicious. Karda Nui actually seemed the safest of the five "Nui" (outside of Metru Nui of course), at least until the Makuta came. There wasn't really anything threatening the lives of the Matoran.


As for 2009:


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It seems the lives of the Agori are pretty peaceful as compared to Mata Nui/Voya Nui life. Sure, they're toughing it out on a desert planet, but that's all they ever knew anyway. And there's, as far as we currently know, no direct and constant threats to Agori life, at least until the 2009 story starts.


One last thing: maybe I'm just reading too much in this, but are you really complaining that the story is the same over and over as the title of this entry suggests, or are you just upset about not getting to hear much about the Matoran anymore?

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But on Mata Nui, the real danger lay with the dangerous creatures under Makuta's influence. The environment itself had its dangers, certainly, but was for the most part well-suited to the Matoran.


City of the Lost did have some interesting bits and pieces, yes, but still nothing especially substantial. There is considerably less space in the story for that kind of thing, which I think is a real shame. I would really like to see something, somewhere, about the inhabitants and their lives as a supplement to the main story. The MNOLGs were absolutely fantastic in this respect, although expecting one of these every year is certainly asking a lot and almost certainly not going to happen (I'm sure the experience would wear thin eventually, too). I'm sure there's space somewhere, perhaps on the web, for some information on this. I just feel I'd like to know something about the people living where the story's taking place.


The title could be more appropriate, yes, but I couldn't think of anything better when I wrote it and can't be bothered to change it. :P

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Or maybe there could be a year where it's even more harsh and the story fosuses mainly on agori/matoran/ small inhabitants...

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