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Why do people care about their post count?


Seriously. Why?


Today's boring, but I'm going to have a great meal. It shall be chicken. Cheese. Crossaint. All in one thing of thinginess and goodness. So beat that, eh?


I think I'm just going to play guitar all day besides that. I'm working on a new song. So try and beat that too, while you're at it.


And beat Bellsouth, too. Because their internet is really slow.


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For boasting rights. :P And for low self esteem if someone's been on for 2 years and only 2 posts. Unless you hang around G&T, COT and stuff. Then you can be as low or as high as you want.


By the way, this blog entry wasn't very creative. :P

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Why do people care about their post count?


Seriously. Why?

I've pondered that very thing myself. I always thought it meant one had no life. The guy with the highest post count on BZP is Hapori Dume. Obviously, he has no life. Maybe T-Hybrid doesn't really exist either. Maybe he's just an alterego of Hapori Dume.


~Toa Macku~

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I stopped caring after 1000, and I haven't really checked it since then. I forget what it is?


Ironically, I just made my 1100th post today. :P

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I don't like this entry.




Well, I've got plenty to waste really. I really owe my post count to the fact that being a guest for ages made me have a lot to say, plus not having much to do in my spare time =P. But now, the time I used for BZ has been replaced by other things and I'm probably making the equivilant to 1 post a day now.


Also, members may be on BZ for ages yet rarely posting, either because they're really shy or because they can't say anything on-topic.







Unless you hang around G&T, COT and stuff

Eh, that's where I hang out =D

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'cause its cool



Why? is someone saying "llol exo i gotted my 1000st post todaY LOL" in a mass amount of PMS?


:o I'm so close to 3000 Posts :o

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Lesse.. I'm gonna try to remember how many posts I have without looking at my post count.. 1058?

Anyway, I'd link to some of my songs to show how I "beat that", but savefile bunked 'em all, and I don't feel like ruining your ride. Besides, it's probably a really cool song.

Besides, post count is like any other number. "Mine's bigger than yours!!"

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Yeah, I'm a guitar freak. All I did today(besides church and eating out for lunch) was alternate between the computer and playing guitar. :P

So the fact you're writing a song really interests me. Are you writing the lead part, or the rythm part? Or is it bass? And are you writing the words? :P

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The thing is, Macku, the Admins created Hapori Dume in 2004 for the April Fool's Day Vahkipower prank. They can also edit posts, so they gave him 1,000,000. XD


I'm getting close to 500...not to brag or anything...


The only reason I care is the fact I had about 30 posts for about 3 years. And now, ever since the Academy, I've bumped up to almost 500! Hooray for allowing posts to count in the RPG forum!



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I post so very little it's impossible for me to care. Seroiusly, I had a vahi before I was a turaga.


hey, whaddya know, I'm battling Makuta! people should tell me these things beforehand. *dies*

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I am the 20th highest poster on BZP. 19th if you discount Hapori Dume.


I'm the 70th highest poster on BZP. I check almost every day! :D



Only once a day?


Geez. You don't check your post count very much. I mean, any sensible member checks it at least 5 times a day...


~ :kakamanu: ~

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I've pondered that very thing myself. I always thought it meant one had no life. The guy with the highest post count on BZP is Hapori Dume. Obviously, he has no life. Maybe T-Hybrid doesn't really exist either. Maybe he's just an alterego of Hapori Dume.


~Toa Macku~


Yeah, that Kex fellow? Total loser. ;)


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