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The Start Of Something Magical



Where should I start? At the beginning seems so cliched (can you do special characters here?) so I'll probably start in the middle, and work my way back. Or forwards, I'm not really sure.


Oh, for the sake of clarity, I'll start at the start. I was born in England (and indeed I still am in England) and nothing really exciting happened, at least, not that I can remember. When I was four, I accidentally cut one of my fingers off, and had to go to hospital to get it sewn back on. Thankfully it was, and it still works to this day. When I was about six my brother sliced the tip of one of my toes off with a door, and that didn't get sewn back on. Shame really. Um...nothing much to say after that. I went to primary school, and then went to secondary school. In my last two years I was unlucky enough to spend half my time in hospital, as I managed to get cancer. That wasn't particularly fun. Luckily I survived (obviously, as I'm typing this right now) and was presented with a lovely laptop on which I am currently writing this entry. I'm now in Sixth Form/college, taking Art, Graphics, Media, and Photography. As you can guess, I like art.


But that's enough about school, what do I do in my free time? Well, I like drawing, making animated films (I'll try to link to them, if that's allowed), and I've also written a couple of fantasy novels. But they haven't been published. Yet. I'm also a Young Leader at my local Scout Troop, so I dissappear there every Friday, and emerge very tired. And hungry, for no apparent reason.


I suppose you're probably getting bored now, so I'll stop typing.




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Forget about the pm.You've already settled it.

Well,I was about to ask wich european country you were from.Now I know.


Cutoff finger,missing a part of youre toe.Whow,If I were you,i'd start wearing a armored suit.

And you beat cancer,wow.Never thought you had that.Glad to see you're okay now.

How did you cut youre finger off at the age of 4?


Well,I'm able to bend my thumb to 90 degrees backwards,because I

,strangely enough, fell while I was young and ended up with my thumb under a bike.(Really,off all the things that can happen,I fall and a bike drives over my thumb at the exact same moment,Ugh,Allways happens to me.)

And my fingers and toes are quite longer than most humans.Plus,they all have the ability to bend backwards further then normal peoples fingers and toe.Though I sprained two of my fingers and for some reason they can now turn only as far normal fingers can.I know,I'm very strange,though fine otherwise.As far as I know of.

Well,now you know that i'm a monkey with thumbs. :P


EDit:yes,it works fine now.

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I managed to cut off my finger with a stepladder, of all things. I was playing pirates at my gran's house, and the stepladder was a mast, or something. Naturally, I fell off, and it snapped shut on my finger. It was really exciting :P



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If that's exciting for you,try jumping off the stairs to get down in record time(made-up game of mine,or stairway bends 3 in smaller ones so I can jump over them and stuff...)And ending up with youre foot in a tag,at the speed of a 8 year old falling down.

Also I have many head wounds (the kinds that need stiching) all conviently placed on tha lovely litte head of mine.I've even got a scar because I've got two in the same place.(heads and corners of a house aren't best friends,neither are forks and youre tong,and youre chin and hard rocks:the big slippery ones in rivers(6 years in the Chiro,what do you want?))

So generaly,I'm avoiding doing stuff on fridays the 13th.Not realy(I do believe there's a word for fear of friday the 13th in the dictionary somewhere,Ive seen it before.)

PS.The Chiro is a Belgian youth movement,for youre information.

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Ow that must of hurt! I once dropped a knife on my hand accidently and it teared off loads of my skin. I once lost all feelings in my legs and arms and had to be piggybacked by my School Teacher home. Embarassing, really!


Glad your alright now Seranikai about the cancer, the whole of BZPower would be in shock, grief and would be weeping for the rest of their lives if you hadn't made it. Seriously.


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WHen you said about the toe,does that mean that you only 9 toes? or just a toenail?Do you smoke?cos most people who smoke gets cancer,oh and Seran,take care,cancer always tend to have a relapse and it always tend to get worst.


I myself have a record of critical diseases,my mom said when I was born I had this HFM(hand,foot and mouth)problem,and at a young age I got chicken pox,and by August last year(I`m a 10 year old)My temperature was really high,I thought I was gonna die,this year at June I got this really critical disease that could really KILL me,it was called Denggi and is spreaded by Aedes mosquitoes.It was also my luck that the disease lasted only for two weeks,but the aftereffects was really freaky.


No, I've still got all my various fingers and toes, neither accident was too serious that a visit to hospital couldn't solve.


And no, I don't smoke. The cancer I had was caused naturally, there wasn't a specific cause.


And I'm glad to hear you're ok too.



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