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Toa Xion Epic?



Ok, here's what is going on. Toa Axzaa and I are going to write an epic about my most favourite MOCs, the Toa Xion (link down on the left somewhere). This should cover their history and generally be very exciting, which is what several members have been pleading for. It was actually Toa Axzaa's idea though, so everyone be nice and thank him! :D




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Thankou Seranikai. I look forward to writing it with you, I'll inform you when the first parts ready. Also, if its okay with you, what do other members think and what do they think the Toa Xion should be like.


Thankyou Seranikai again, I'll probably see you next when the first chapters ready

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Cool!I`ve always wondered about the mask powers of the Xion,oh yeah,who is the leader of the group(I`m guessing Dairhu),can I like make something to contribute to this epic,you know something i could for a friend(I can`t do signatures,sorry.)bye I`m outta here.Washaaw.

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Heres a quick quote for you.


Syle raised his Magna Axe in defense to the figure, his keen Toa of Stone eyes watching the two figures move back and forth. The first raised a long tool, Most likey a spear thought Syle.

The second figure laughed as Syle raised his axe again and lifted a hand. Instantly, a hammer of earth sprung out of nowhere and slammed directly on top of Syle.

The force of the blow had knocked him uncouncious, and left the other Toa to face against them


So what do you think?

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:chuckles lightly: Don't you already know Seranikai? After all, it was you who told me and the idea was then agreed to be used . . . or are you not sure anymore? :notsure:

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