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Karzhani the Utahraptor


I watched the movie 'Bolt'a couple of days ago! It was funny! A great comedý!


'Bolt' is an innovative tale of a show dog, who plays as a superhero, but thinks all of his powers are real! But when he gets lost, he finds out that none of his powers are real. I'm sure you've seen the advertisements.


I like the hamster :P.



By the way, I've just finished a (stupid) custom Campaign map for Halo: Combat Evolved. Can be found here:




You need a working copy of Halo: Combat Evolved for PC and download the free Halo Custom Edition update from the site.


I included checkpoints, but for complicated reasons I can't explain they don't work.


You want me to explain? Oh, here it goes:


Campaign maps in Halo have 'scripts'. These are kind of like commands the game must obey. So, for example, if I want to create a few elites after a player passes through a certain point, I'll place a trigger at that point, and refer to it in a command script. So, if I wanted the Elite computer controlled 'AI' to be created, I would have to create this script


(script startup h4xmb

(sleep_until (volume_test_objects trig_1 (players))15)

(ai_place elites)


...assuming that that I called the elites "elites" and the trigger 'trig_1'. So, in order to create a checkpoint when the player walks through a certain point, I'll place a trigger called "trig_2" or something like that at that area, and refer to it in a script.


(script startup

(sleep_until (volume_test_objects trig_2 (players))15)




The game_save command well...creates a checkpoint. However, the problem is that the game will check for enemies within a certain radius. If there are enemies, the checkpoint will not load. The game only checks for about 8 seconds or so before stopping.


I didn't know about this at the time I created the map.


Bungie used this command:




So it would constantly keep checking until all enemies have been eliminated and then save the game.



You never knew Halo was that complicated, did you?

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