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Me? Reading A Book?



I never particularly liked books... maybe back when I was in elementary lol.

Books are usually terribly boring.

You read 100 pages in only to find either the author is actually a numbskull or that the book is clearly not getting any better.

Visual and audio media is always SO much faster. When something sucks, you haven't wasted a whole day on it.


Well, I found a book that has me stuck to it.

Better yet, it's online and free, as the author is just trying to spread knowledge and common sense as a balance to all the corruption and repression perpetrated against, well, pretty much most of humanity.


The book is Earth's Forbidden Secrets by Maxwell Igan


Long story short, he gives examples (accompanied by pictures) of things that have been unearthed which TOTALLY blow human history as we know it into the water.

Stuff like 500,000 year old rocks with man-made items embedded inside them, maps that have latitude and longitude LOOOOONG before such things were supposed to exist...


He goes into how the creation of the pyramids have been credited to people that were known in the news back then to be false... yet due to politics in the scientific community, lies have become something fiercely defended.


There's even rocks shown with accurate depictions of the continents, people riding giant birds and dinosaurs (at a time when man wasn't supposed to KNOW about dinosaurs).


Even more, in some places of the world you have dinosaur bones... but then a few feet UNDER them you have... cobblestone roads?


WHAT? Roads UNDER dinosaur fossils? lol


You have fossilized human remains before man was supposedly present.


You have a fossilized shoe print (no, not a footprint, a SHOE print) that has apparently STEPPED on a living trilobite at the time.


Here's a fun one... we ALREADY know and science has accepted that the Egyptians had made batteries, jars filled with specific acids and metal columns... but what for?


Ah, well they needed light inside the dark pyramids, did they not?

Well, what the heck do you think those big, giant glass-lookin' tubes found on hieroglyphics are?!? I mean heck, they even depict wires running over to the batteries lol!




Right... so much of what we're taught about human history seems to be false.


But why would scientists not want to get to the "truth" of our world? Isn't that what science is about?

Well yes, it is. And yes, some scientists DO want to investigate things further.


But scientists are people too. Just as there's corruption in every human institution, the scientific academia is no exception.

People whose entire careers, their entire schools, their entire museums that is their livelihood... don't like change.

It automatically invalidates who and what they've studied to be, mostly.


Maybe there's even crazier reasons... like people in high places CAN'T let people know the truth about our history or they lose power.


In any case, it's dang good reading, despite spelling mistakes I pick up where you can tell the author is getting into what he's talking about.

And really, only being 1/3 of the way through, it's CLEAR that a lot of what we're taught in textbooks about who we are and where we came from (and possibly where we're going) is quite a bit of poopoo.


So yeah... I'll be off a day or two from here digesting all this. It's actually THAT exciting.


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Well, I'm just waiting for whether the Higgs Boson exists.


Never was all too interested in history. =D


As long as the periodic table and the particle zoo remain unpoliticized, I'm good.

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I found the part about birds on a cliff face interesting.

An explorer described them bringing leaves, mashing them on the rock... then returning some time later in which the rock had turned soft, at which point they pecked nests into it.


It's theorized the temples found in South America might have been aided in this way, as the rounded corners, meshed boulders and actually carved pictures from that time show.


The sad thing is, like the "pyramids" in South America had, so did Egypt also have a scientific manufacturing process described on a slab that showed how to turn limestone into a malleable form.

It gave the plants, the ingredients, the quantities needed to essentially "pour" the pyramids.


Likewise, to anyone with even basic understanding of cause and effect, it's clear the Pyramids (and especially the Sphinx) are FAR older than stated, complete with scientific proof.


BUT... just two men who are pretty much ENTIRELY in charge of "Egyptology" won't allow further research.

And the research that has been done so far was shot down merely by personally attacking the two researchers who were able to prove what they were saying.


Tragic stuff... Oh heck, it's online, it's free. Find it and read it. You'll be hooked.

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You can believe that one guy has unearthed all these mind-blowing revelations?


And that he didn't base anything in there on things he learned in school?


And he wasn't killed by the government before he published it? lol


I find it hard to believe. But then, you're naturally more inclined to believe in conspiracies than I am. That's an obvious one, I mean, take a look at your blog.


But how do you know Mr. Igan isn't lying to you? I mean, you say that modern scientists are hiding information; who's to say this dude's not just making it up?



You're talkin' crazy, man! lol


He didn't find all these, these are things that have been popping up over hundreds of years.


All he's doing is merely collecting the more substantiated / verified / documented stories into one, while describing the hardships to get past the established scientific circles who fear change for various reasons.


Good god, way to bite my head off. :wacko:




Lol, didn't mean to bite your head off. But how can you assume that the stuff he references are true? Did you find them? And even if you did, they might have been planted! =O


Maybe I'm a sheep, but there's no way I can prove a darn thing about Egyptians, so I'm just going to go along with what the big guys say. It doesn't really affect me (I think).



A bit of the more current stuff I remember hearing about (well, reading about) in science publications... we're talking about 2 1/2 decades I'm referencing. And the fights he mentions between the Egyptologists versus other scientists is current knowledge to those bothering to observe.

There's little he ever talks about that one can't search / verify elsewhere.


Responsible person he is, he demands people do so.

He knows if people just read his stuff, they'll go "oh, that was interesting".

But when a person searches for things on their own and hit paydirt, they want to spread what they find to others.


He's really quite clever.


Ooh. That is good.


But how do you know it's not planted "evidence"?


Who knows. If you had indisputable proof, it'd be hard to convince me. Don't mind my insanity. =P



Well, the real question is do you have an "end-point" in what you're saying?

I mean, do you, in your head, know exactly when you have enough of something to go "Ok, I now can accept this as reality."


You DO have maps that HAVE been in museums hundreds of years, but also were a hundred or two years too early to contain certain data on them. Ok.

You DO have an ancient civilization tens of thousands of tablets from Sumeria, containing detailed descriptions of man having 2 less chromosomes in their DNA, etc etc....

You have different races scattered on different continents (who supposedly never had contact with one another) all with the same star charts, depicting planets they could not have known about as well as equinox cycles they could NOT have measured. To say nothing of understanding of orbits...


And why do brontosaurus images keep popping up on ancient drawings all over the ancient world?


Why were skeletons in India from an unearthed city dead out in their streets like Pompeii, but with no volcano to freeze them in time? Why were they killed even FASTER than those in Pompeii, apparently holding hands and walking when they just "died" all at once? And the kicker, why was the area burned with a heat that not only melted the rock of the structures there, yet IRRADIATED their bodies (50 times that normally found in nature), as if an atomic event took place 10,000 years ago?


It's not easy to say you wish to remain skeptical if you don't know what it even takes to make you not skeptical.

In this case, how many different events, artifacts, places and whatnot does it mathematically take you to give in?

In this case, what kind of anomalies would you need to see or read about to make you buckle in doubt?


In looking at the stranger things going on / have gone on in this world, you do also find more about who and what you yourself are.


I don't have more reason to believe either that what "they" say is true, or that what ou say is true.


But it's simpler for me to not dispute with people that all they know might be a lie, because really, there's no way to prove either side of the arguement perfectly.

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Eric Von Daniken's Chariots Of The Gods.


Indeed, indeed. He even references that.


EDIT: Actually he references it again while talking about a man called Stitchin, who is a meticulous translator of Sumerian text:


Sitchin will inform you that something is so, in a short passage. But nothing is taken at face

value and the explanation as to why it is so may run into many pages of detailed research and

cross referencing. And this fact is also why Sitchins conclusions are so credible, because of his

meticulous attention to detail

Have you ever noticed that when ever anyone releases a book that contains radical ideas that

disagree with mainstream academia, there is always a veritable storm of writers and scholars who

strive to prove them wrong and point out the holes in their various theories? Just look at the

berating that Erich Von Daniken received for the ridiculous lack of research in his book ‘the

Chariots of the Gods’. Von Daniken was actually thought provoking, but his lack of research and

disregard for facts really was appalling.

One very notable point about Zechariah Sitchins works however, is that, as controversial as

they are, since his first book was published in 1975, no-one has yet come forth with a valid

argument to disprove his interpretations of the texts or his conclusions. While there are many who

disagree with his interpretations, as much as they may find the story hard to swallow, no-one has

been able to dispute the events the Sumerians describe.


So yeah, he pretty much throws him under a bus. : p

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"Science" really bothers me.

I mean, the stuff people think is true but isn't.

And it's been disproved ages ago but people have an agenda so they don't let anyone see it.

blargh dont get me started

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Does he reference EnterpriseMission?

Not so far, yet he has pointed out that there might be a correlation to one hemisphere of Mars missing it's outer crust (due to a nasty impact that ruined it's ability to retain heat and therefore atmosphere) and the fact that Sumerians, African tribes and other peoples mentioned an exodus by things in space visiting from a "dying" planet some 11,500 years ago.


I hope he doesn't go too far into that. The Earth has plenty wacky, unexplainable things without talking of things off it's surface.

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More 'conspiracies', Jinzo?


I hate to be a downer on these sorts of things, because they do seem quite interesting on first viewing, but I really don't buy into it. -_- It's fantasy dressed up to appear 'logical'.


Perhaps I'm being ignorant, but that's how I feel.

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It's not quite "conspiracy". These are just items... factual, reported, photographed items... that do not jive with the teachings we all get of history.


It has not much to do with conspiracy theory, more just a study in ignorance.


Scientists say the world went along a specific timeline and anything that pops up to upheave that is discounted and forgotten. All this man is doing is pointing out how silly that is, for when you accumulate all these things into one book, it really points a clear arrow to accepted human history being very flawed.


Again, these aren't items he's making up or forging, these are things in the possession of museums and such, stored away in crates because they can't make sense of them... which is pretty terrible since we're talking "science" here.


It's like going up to the moon in a spacecraft, then disregarding the sighting of a tie fighter because it doesn't fit in with your training manual lol.

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Exactly. But the truth is only so bitter as one makes it.

People like me for instance find living in a fool's paradise bitter and disrespectful to everyone that came before me, lives around me and is still to come.

The idea that a dead race BOTHERED to scientifically write down their history, way of life, animals present in their time (brontosaurus being one) and what they know of creation (to which even theologians admit their religions have stolen a bit of their stories from)... is largely ignored in place of more vague explanations by modern man? It's kinda' disgusting.


One thing I'm finding humorous in this are all the ancient names anime has gleaned from ancient civilizations.

Ptolemy... (the ship in Gundam 00)

The Mu... (the race of evil robots in Super Dimension century Orguss)

Marduk, etc etc... quite a few more popped out and I'm barely halfway through.

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It's always the question of would one rather live happily in harmless lies or live in sorrow knowing the ugly truth.





The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the deadly light into the peace and safety of a new dark age.

-HP Lovecraft

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I think I'll also remain suspicious of these "revelations." The idea behind them... don't take what the top guys say to be solid fact... is a good one, but I'd extend the same kind of doubt to these topics you bring up. I mean, thinks can be faked... a shoe print, pictographs... it can be hard to separate fact from fiction.



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Think - why in the world would anyone hide this kind of information? I don't know, do you have any ideas? :huh:


So anyway, I'm glad you're enjoying it. =)

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why in the world would anyone hide this kind of information?


Without being too political, if this were to become widespread knowledge with scientists and therefore public officials backing it up. it would rock the pillars of the largest religions.

Neither those running the religions or government officials want that, for reasons I leave you to realize.



Egypt: 2 scientists came forth with evidence well proving the Egyptians were not the ones who created the pyramids.

Their characters (not their data) was attacked by those with higher credentials. They were then BANNED from studying at the Giza site!


China: Very well-preserved bodies were found that were European, not asian! They pre-dated the Chinese. When an official along for the ride asked the researcher if the fingerprints still pressed into a piece of pottery found with the bodies would be able to declare whether it was a Chinese or a European who crafted it, he said, "I don't know..." at which point the Chinese official pocketed the fragment and it was never seen again.


New Zealand, The Maori: Likewise, bodies of people who were not Maori were found, predating their existence there. Once the Maori found out, they cried that it was an attempt at religious persecution and nothing more to report the findings. However, others heard they were trying to squelch it and the story DID get out... somewhat...

The Maori had apparently been granted part of their wish by the government... for 75 years no one is allowed to go to the forest to do any further research.



It gets worse in that case, the wavy, red-haired samples in the Auckland War Memorial Museum then went "missing". Also having gone missing was a skeleton of a giant found near Mitimati. It HAD been there, but then it just "vanished" one day.

All in the name of national pride.




Also, you have egghead scientists whose whole careers are blown on becoming experts in their field... it'd suck if everything you worked for and sustains you vanished overnight.


The idea behind them... don't take what the top guys say to be solid fact... is a good one, but I'd extend the same kind of doubt to these topics you bring up.

Should the doubt stop there? I WANT people to doubt. I WANT people to search for things to discredit. Making people go out and think, observe, connect... it's beautiful.

But don't just look at what you're taught as "normal", then look at what I'm discovering and say that's "abnormal".

That is in a way "evil".


I mean, thinks can be faked... a shoe print, pictographs... it can be hard to separate fact from fiction.

Indeed. Unfortunately the very same people who deep-six items found they can't explain are often those who have already done their carbon datings and such.

It's not like some guy's pouring cement castings of bigfoot prints he just made.

And while surely hoaxes do pop up from goofballs now and then, there's STILL an overwhelming amount of undeniable facts that have NOT been shot down... at all.

Oh, but because they don't fit into the accepted version of science, they are packed away like the Ark at the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Quite literally AND figuratively.


I think I'll also remain suspicious of these "revelations."

It shouldn't be seen as anything so dramatic as a revelation.

It's really as simple as one playing connect the dots.

The dots are even well numbered in many cases.


So anyway, I'm glad you're enjoying it. =)

It just keeps getting better and better.

Give it a go yourself.

Even if you end up thinking it's kooky by the end, you'll still have gained some healthy, abstract, unorthodox ways of approaching reality.

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Wow, wait...


You can read? :???:






For the record, I've done loose-leaf studies about the dinosaurs and humans coexisting before. And Jinzo, this is just one of the many reasons I luff ya so much-- I agree with almost all the things you talk about. :ziplip:



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Barium chemtrails and rod crafts caught on high-speed shutter cameras are current events (somewhat).

I doubt the last 50 pages will get into that. There's plenty of food online for that hunger, largely on popular video sites.


For now, he's just trying to get the point across that the Sumerians had EVERYTHING... and some things more accurate than we did (or still do). Things one cannot know without large resources or an existing database.


Wow, wait... You can read?



I've done loose-leaf studies about the dinosaurs and humans coexisting before.


One thing I didn't know before this (must have been asleep) was that in 1993 they found a fossilized dinosaur heart.

Big deal?

But it had 4 ventricles... a warm-blooded creature, not 3 ventricles which would have verified they were reptiles.


Yet anywhere you look, they're still taught to people as being reptiles? Even after they also found a feather still attached to one?


Should be fun looking deeper into this after I get done with the book.

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Heh heh... I read this entry while listening to an interview with Valery Uvarov, head of the Department of UFO Research, Paleosciences and Paleotechnology of the National Security Academy of Russia. He spoke as a representative of the Russian government, no less. These kinds of "sensitive," "suppressed" topics of science and history are his bread and butter. One of his current projects involves building pyramids. Real pyramids, out of quartz, like the Egyptian ones, only smaller. The reasons for the government of the world's largest country investing in something as seemingly "useless" as pyramids are actually quite compelling and make me wish my own country's government were as enlightened. ^_^


Many of the specific examples of this stuff that you mention from Igan's book are new to me, but I've long since learned to be open to "real" science and history. The facts speak for themselves, ultimately, and when you get down into it, you really do find that truth is a lot stranger than fiction.


That said, there are hoaxes and thought-traps out there. One persistent myth is the Planet X / Nibiru story that just won't die. There are also self-described "researchers" who convince themselves of a particular version of the "truth" and may be highly effective at attracting an audience, even if key parts of their theory are no more than a house of cards. It's of primary importance to check the "facts" and challenge everything that's not proven beyond a reasonable doubt, as well as to look past the personality and focus on what they're saying.


My personal truth odyssey is ongoing, albeit settled down a notch from the wild ride it's been until recently. I've kept remarkably quiet about it all on this site, though, whether it's fear of being labeled a tin-foil hat wearer, fear of being moderated, or just plain not caring to mix the worlds. I have to admire your boldness, Jinzo. You're not afraid to bring these things to light in a setting that's not particularly favorable towards them. I mean, we overgrown Bionicle fanboys and -girls are pretty fringe in that sense, but BZP is generally pretty mainstream. Kudos for sticking your neck out. It's much appreciated from where I stand.


EDIT: Oh yeah, here's your many-times-over-deserved seal of approval.





<o> <o>

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Mmhmm. And the fact remains that the simply large structure of many dinosaurs, with their large amounts of mass needing large amounts of blood, and thus, warmth, has stood.




Cuz you're awesome and this entry provides ancient proof for that fact. ^_^



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