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What Was I Thinking?



Pardon the previous entry; I just suffered through almost my entire shift of having the song play through a loop... if only my headphones had been working, then the suffering would have been tolerable. >_<


Anyway, everyone should know that Comic Sans MS is a terrible font to read lengthy things, such as posts or blog entries, in, but it's not too bad in small doses. I have been going over my past entries and ridding them of that atrocious sight.


I must say it's quite insightful to be looking over some of my old entries and kind of reminiscing. On that note, if you have a blog but don't do this, you should look over some of your older entries just to remember them. And if you don't have a blog, you should get one... or at least read over some of my old entries. :P


©1984-2008 Toaraga EAM


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When I look through my old entries, I just wonder how it is I improved so much. It's rather an incredible thing to remember.
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