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Final Fantasy Vii



This one is for computer geniuses :D


Alright, so like, my friend gives me FFVII at school. Now, I go home, turn on the ol' (new) Mac, and fire up Windows. I install FFVII and load it up.


So I load it and it plays the creditsies, and so on, and I press any button and skip it.


It then ends up at this screen, and then whatever I press the game does nothing.


I got frustrated with it at one point, and started pressing hitting random buttons on my keyboard, and it came up with a screen saying "Would you like to quit the game?" .


After a bit more keyboard bashing, I closed the program down using Task Manager.


Can anyone help?


My Keyboard looks like this, if it matters..




EDIT: Never mind, I found a page with loads of patches on that might just fix it..


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